Do you have muscle cramps? The best is massage and relaxation

by time news

2024-02-08 08:08:57

What are muscle cramps? Why do they occur? How to tackle them? The experts from the blog “Health and Prevention” respond in a new post.

When the muscle shrinks, the tendon and bone move together, achieving movement. If the muscle contracts, tenses without meaning to do so and does not relax, the dreaded cramps occur.

The human body is made up of more than 50 trillion cells. The cells group together and form tissues, the tissues create organs that join together and form systems such as the cardiac, immune or locomotor systems.

The locomotor system is made up of bones and muscles. Muscles are structures that have the ability to generate movement because they can contract and relax.

Our body is made up of at least 650 muscles that we can control, voluntary musclesbut there are other muscles over which we have no control, such as the heart muscle, they are the involuntary muscles.

Between them, there are between 650 and 840 muscles in the body. There are three types of muscles, smooth, cardiac and skeletal. Its function ranges from pumping blood throughout the body to helping lift heavy things. In general, its function is to turn us into beings with movement. Skeletal muscles are attached to bones through tendons.

What are muscle cramps?

Muscle cramps are a sudden, uncontrolled contraction of a very large set of muscle fibers in one or more muscles. Muscle tissue is made up of cells (myocytes) that can increase or decrease their length when the nervous system stimulates them with electrical impulses.

“Cramp is a neuromotor phenomenon, normally irrelevant, although uncomfortable because it is often associated with pain in the area where the muscle contracts,” explains the Dr. José Luis Fernández Plaza, neurophysiologist at the Quirónsalud Sur Hospital from Alcorcón (Madrid).

The most common area where cramps occur are the extremities and, more commonly, the feet and legs, especially in the calves.

Doctor José Luis Fernández Plaza, Neurophysiologist at the Quirónsalud Sur Hospital in Alcorcón (Madrid). Photo provided

Why do we get cramps?

The most common cause of cramps is when the muscle is overworked or injuredbut also for a light dehydrationFor example, if you exercise without drinking enough fluids.

They also occur when you have low levels of electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, calcium, or magnesium as well as “alterations in external temperature since one of the main mechanisms that the body has to maintain temperature or thermogenesis is muscle contraction,” adds the specialist.

Cramps usually appear in older people, pregnant women, athletes or people who suffer from a pathology that affects metabolism and/or hormones. When this happens, cramps occur more frequently, which indicates that a specialist should be consulted as they may be related to a health problem.

He use of medications, drug consumption“Toxins and many poisons that interfere with the neurotransmission between muscle and nerve or between the neurons that control the process of the spinal cord can cause muscle cramps,” points out Dr. Fernández Plaza.

Others factors The factors that increase the appearance of foot cramps are usually age, being overweight, not stretching enough muscles before performing physical activity, family history, practicing sports extremely and for a long time, running uphill, and lack of electrolytes. or hydration during sports practice.

What to do when they appear?

When a cramp appears in the feet, the first thing to do is stop doing the activity you are doing and immediately afterwards practice stretching and massaging the affected area.

It is advisable to drink a drink that contains electrolytes, since the origin of the cramp could be dehydration or lack of electrolytes.

Afterwards you can apply a little heat as it helps relax the muscle.

As the pain decreases and the initial muscle spasm passes, cold can be applied. It is important to continue drinking fluids, but avoiding alcoholic or caffeinated drinks.

If the cramp happens while we sleep, we should try to stretch the muscle intensely and for a long time until relief is noticed.

To avoid foot cramps as much as possible, it is essential to:

  • Wear appropriate footwear, wide enough so that it does not press on the muscles, nerves or impede blood circulation.
  • Practice sports without making great efforts.
  • Hydrate whenever you carry out any physical activity.
  • Increase the intake of foods rich in calcium and potassium, stretch and massage the foot muscles.
  • Apply heat to relax the muscle, especially in the first moments of the cramp.
  • Rest between sports activities because one of the main reasons why foot cramps appear is fatigue.

Cramps are not muscle overload

It is important not to confuse a cramp with a muscle overload.

The cramp appears suddenly, abruptly, while the overload does so progressively, causing muscle stiffness, pain and almost no flexibility.

But both cramps and overload appear due to muscle overexertion, whether doing sports, or in the workplace or at home.

#muscle #cramps #massage #relaxation

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