Do you know how to ventilate in summer? · Healthy Housing

by time news

2023-08-02 09:30:12

The ventilation of our home is a key issue for the health of those who inhabit it. Not only for a matter of smell – getting rid of bad odors – but for a matter of hygiene, that is, to improve the quality of the air we breathe.

At Vivienda Saludable we have already spoken on occasion about the importance of make a good ventilation at home, and its multiple benefits. But it is that in addition to health criteria, this task implies a reduction in energy consumption, which translates into greater savings. And it is that, if we ventilate in a correct way, we will be able to reduce the temperature typical of this time of intense heat.

Next, we resolve some of the doubts regarding ventilation in the summer months.

Is it necessary to ventilate in summer? The answer is yes. There will be those who think that if we have the window open all night because of the heat it is no longer necessary. But it is important to let fresh air into our home.
When do you have to ventilate? The most recommended time slot to carry out this task are the early hours of the morning. During the rest of the day, blocks the entry of external heat, especially between 12 and 18 To do this, make use of curtains, blinds and awnings. Although in winter and in autumn the house can be ventilated twice a day; in summer and, due to the high temperatures, it is better only once and in the coolest hours.
Does the whole house have to be ventilated? The answer, again, is yes. Although it is true that the bedroom is the area of ​​the house that most needs to renew the air; since during the night a higher concentration of CO2 is generated, if we ventilate all the rooms we will get a small draft and a greater flow of clean and renewed air. To do this, leave all interior doors open. And a couple of extra tips regarding ventilation in the bedroom: it is better to remove the duvet and pillow, and it is always a good idea to leave a space of at least 10 cm between the furniture and the wall so that the air in the room can circulate perfectly.
How long do you have to ventilate? Experts recommend that it be a period of between 10 and 15 minutes. In the case of the rooms bathroom try to ventilate them for at least 30 minutessince it is a space where a lot of humidity accumulates as well.
How should optimal ventilation be? You should always try to make a cross ventilation, which is based on creating natural air currents, that move throughout the space of the house. To do this, we must open a window on the side of the facade of your house, where the wind receives the most. And then another window, but this time on the opposite side of the one we opened first. With this we will get the air to circulate from high to low pressures, so that the air is renewed, contributing to the efficiency of your home.
How to ventilate a room without windows? The first thing to note is that it is not convenient to sleep in a room that does not have windows, since it is not easy for the air flow to be renewed. When it is time to ventilate open the rest of the windows and doors, so that a small draft is created. You can help yourself with a fan that circulates the air inside this room.
What should we not do when ventilating? Generate unnecessary heat from inside the houseFor example, with the use of ovens, incandescent light bulbs, a clothes dryer, a hair dryer… We are only going to raise the interior temperature.

When talking about ventilation we cannot ignore the importance of good thermal insulation, which is key both in winter and in summer. Especially if we want to get the most out of the air conditioning, minimizing its use and, therefore, electricity consumption. In that sense it is important Have adequate doors and windows.

Windows made with insulating materials, both the profile and the glass itself, help prevent condensation and the appearance of moisture. They also maintain the ideal home temperature for longer. In addition, if we choose tilt-and-turn, they will facilitate ventilation by avoiding strong drafts.

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Published by: Healthy Housing
#ventilate #summer #Healthy #Housing

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