“Do You Know the Meaning of the 7 Words Jesus Spoke on the Cross?” rewritten: “The 7 Words Spoken by Jesus on the Cross: Understanding Eli! Eli! Lama Sabachtani.”

by time news

In Chennai, it is believed that as per the decision of God, Jesus Christ hung on the cross on Calvary as the Lamb of God to atone for the sins of the world. He saved others but did not save himself, and many were mocking him when they saw him suffer. Jesus spoke the last 7 words while dying on the cross, and each word holds deep spiritual lessons and meanings.

One of the words that Jesus uttered was about forgiveness where he prayed to God to forgive those who crucified him, even when he was in great agony. Just as Jesus had this divine nature of forgiving others, we too should forgive those who hate and torment us. Jesus died on the cross so that our sins could be forgiven, and we should forgive those who have wronged us as He forgave.

Another word spoken by Jesus was about accepting our loved ones. Jesus instructed his disciple to accept his mother as his own, and he also instructed his mother to accept his disciple as her son. This emphasizes the importance of caring for and embracing our loved ones.

Jesus also cried out to God asking why he had been abandoned. This signifies the fact that God cannot dwell where there is sin, and when sin enters us, the Holy God cannot dwell in us, and He has to leave us.

Jesus was also thirsty on the cross, and although he was given bitter water, some people have an insatiable thirst for sin, and no matter how many times they sin, the thirst for sin is not quenched.

Finally, Jesus uttered the word “Done,” which can be considered the tone of victory. Jesus completed the work given to him by the Father on earth and fulfilled everything according to the Father’s decision. Jesus Christ took human incarnation, came to earth, and redeemed humanity from sin and curse as a sacrifice for the atonement of sins. He finished everything.

In his final word, Jesus committed his spirit to the Father and proved to be the true living God, whose teachings and words still ring true after 2000 years.

Chennai: According to the decision of God the Father, Jesus Christ hung on the cross on Calvary as the Lamb of God who took away the sins of the world, as a sacrifice for the sins of all people. Among the two thieves, the one who did not commit a crime was crucified as one of them. The miracles he performed and those who had benefited from him, those who were standing there watching with amusement, sneered at him. He saved others but did not save himself. Many were mocking him when they saw him suffering on the cross. The Lord Jesus Christ spoke the last 7 words while he was dying on the cross. Behind every word in it are deep truths, spiritual lessons and deep meanings.


(Luke 23:34) Then Jesus said: Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. He was seen interceding with the Father for those who had crucified Him and for those who crucified Him. Even when he was in great agony, Jesus prayed such a prayer to express his love for those who hated him. It was the divine love that filled his heart, manifested in the form of the word (prayer). The deeper meaning of this is that just as Jesus had this divine nature of forgiving others in the midst of the Psalms, we too should follow. If our family, relatives, and friends do not understand the love we show, hate, torment and hate us with words, tolerate crimes against us, and do not know what they are doing to us, we should pray to God for them (Matthew 5:44). Love your enemies and those who curse you. Bless and do good to those who hate you, pray for those who insult you and persecute you, as it is written. If we have the love of Jesus, we can forgive others as He forgave, and that is a divine nature. Jesus died on the cross so that man’s sins could be forgiven. If we say that we have not sinned, we would be deceiving ourselves, just as Jesus forgave those who pierced us in the midst of the songs of the cross, let us forgive those who pierced us even in the midst of the songs of our lives.

Today you will be with me in paradise

Luke 23:43 Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today thou shalt be with me in paradise. Jesus said this to one of the two thieves. One of the two thieves laughed at Jesus, slandered him, and mocked him, and the other bit him, saying, “We have received the penalty for our wrongdoing, but this one (Jesus) has not committed a crime and has received the judgment (crucifixion).” He prayed that Immediately Jesus forgave him and said that today you will be with me in paradise. Today we have seen many people saying that what they are doing is fair and not humiliating themselves, but speaking with pride. Who realizes his mistake? If we do not feel the twinkle in our eye, and do not look at the speck in the eye of others, but if we know ourselves and confess our sins, humble ourselves and ask for forgiveness, Jesus will accept us just as he forgave and accepted the thief.

He said to his mother: Woman, behold, your son

John 19:26,27, Jesus said to his mother: Woman, behold, your son. And seeing the beloved disciple standing by Jesus, he said, Behold your mother. The teaching is that the disciple should accept the mother of Jesus and that mother should accept the disciple as her own son. That is, as we all embrace our own mother and son without abandoning them under any circumstances, we can see billions of people in the world today who are bereaved by the loss of their mother and son. This week of Jesus emphasizes that we should investigate such people and care for them and embrace them with our love.

Eli! Eli! Lama Sabachtani, my God! My God! Why did you abandon me?

(Matthew 27:46) Jesus: Eli! Eli! Lama Sabachtani cried out loudly, “My God!” My God! It means why did you abandon me. It is true that the Holy Father cannot dwell where there is sin. Therefore, when the sin of the world (man) was laid upon his (Jesus’) head, the Father forsook Christ. Thus when Jesus bore our sins on the cross, just as the Father withdrew, when sin enters us, the Holy God cannot dwell in us and He has to leave us.

He said I am thirsty

(John 19:28,29) After that, Jesus knew that everything was finished and fulfilled the scripture: I am thirsty. A vessel full of cacao was placed there, and they dipped the sponge in cacao, tied it to a hyssop, and extended it to his mouth. As Jesus hung on the cross for several hours, he became thirsty, but they gave him water to drink. It is said to have been very bitter. Some people have an insatiable thirst for sin, and no matter how many times they sin, the thirst for sin is not quenched. Although some people try to get out of this sinful life, the thirst drives them to sin. As a result of sin, they end up with bitter kadi (incurable disease, curses) without peace in their lives and end their lives by making wrong decisions. Jesus died on the cross to save those who have such an insatiable thirst for sin.


(John 19:30) The sound of Jesus saying it is finished after he has bought it, and finished on the cross, can even be said to be the tone of victory. Jesus completed the work given to him by the Father on earth and fulfilled everything according to the Father’s decision. Jesus Christ took human incarnation, came to earth and redeemed humanity from sin and curse, as a sacrifice for the atonement of sins, he received judgment in his body (sacrifice on the cross) and finished everything. Let us believe that according to the scriptures that Jesus finished all things for me, through him, we also have an end from sin and curse.

Father, into your hands I commit my spirit

(Luke 23:46) Jesus cried out with a loud voice, Father, into your hands I commit my spirit, and saying this, he gave up his life. Jesus suffered greatly on the cross, shed his last drop of blood, and surrendered his spirit to the Father. Ordinarily at the point of a man’s death, we can see him trying to say what he wants to say, and the spirit and soul in the body collapse, unable to speak, and end. When we see that Jesus said a few words on the cross and called out very loudly, even after 2000 thousand years, his great words of truth and truths are still ringing in our ears very loudly, and the next generation will hear this triumphant tone! He is proved to be the true living God.

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