Do you know what Ledderhose disease is?

by time news

Ledderhose disease is an unknown podiatric pathology despite not being so rare. Did you know that it affects men ten times more?

Characterized by the appearance of benign tumors on the sole of the foot, the enfermedad the Ledderhosealso known as fibromatosis plantaris a pathology that goes unnoticed at the social level despite the frequency with which people go to consult for it.

At EFEsalud we have Jorge Escoto, podiatrist and member of the board of directors of the Illustrious Official College of Podiatrists of the Valencian Community (ICOPCV) to shed light on the matter.

What is plantar fibromatosis?

To define the pathology, doctor Escoto speaks of a highlight o bulk in the plantar area.

“They are lumps that appear on the sole of the foot, in the internal arch, at the height of the big toe,” explains the podiatrist.

Although the expert assures that initially do not bother and they are practically imperceptible, the truth is that when they grow up they begin to be noticed. And although we believe that it is the uncertainty of the patient that pushes him to go to the consultation, the truth is that it is not until these lumps condition the march when you resort to the opinion of an expert.

What causes it?

Slow growing and in many cases not as obvious, Ledderhose disease is ten times more common in men than in women. Because? What causes it?

Science has not yet been able to answer these questions.

Risk factor’s

Of course, it is known that there are a series of risk factor’s that can favor the appearance of these tumors, such as:

  • prolonged immobilization.
  • Microtraumatismos.
  • Diabetes.
  • Alcohol and nicotine abuse.
  • Liver failure.
  • autoimmune disorders.

To this list, the podiatrist adds the problems of cicatrization and basic problems with the collagen, which can condition the appearance of these lumps. This alteration of the patient can lead to Ledderhose disease.

And if they diagnose me?

Ledderhose disease, totally benignis detected from a simple physical explorationalthough later a series of tests are carried out to rule out other pathologies.

  • Exploration: the course of the fascia in the internal part is studied, the nodules are located
    • The other foot is also explored, since in 50% of the cases it occurs in both.
  • ultrasound: to observe the size of the lump or fibroma
  • Resonance: to rule out the possibility of malignant tumors.

Depending on the form in which it is presented, the podiatrist will opt for one treatment or another.

Treatment for Ledderhose disease: depends on the case

Image provided by ICOPCV
  • severe cases: When the patient’s mobility is limited, surgical intervention may become a solution to consider, although there is a high risk of recurrence or comeback. Other forms of treatment are also contemplated such as:
    • infiltrations with corticoids or with proteolytic enzymes
    • Application of shock waves to soften plantar fibromas.
  • mild cases: It will depend on the patient’s situation. Some of the most frequent tips in this case are:
    • stretching
    • Manufacture of custom plantar orthoses: personalized insoles that favor the distribution of pressures outside the bulge

From ICOPCV it is recommended to go to the podiatrist in case of doubt. Of course, they alert about the intrusion professional and insist that podiatric health monitoring must be carried out by a professional.

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