Do you know what Ramadan is? It starts tomorrow, even for 2.6 million Italians

by time news

The second Ramadan begins tomorrow in the Coronavirus era, with places of prayer subject – like all the others where socialization takes place – to measures to prevent infections. The growing presence of Muslims in Italy, both immigrants and our fellow converts, pushes us to deepen our knowledge of this very important cultural and social passage of the year.


When does Ramadan take place?

In 2021, Ramadan takes place from April 13 to May 12. The date is not fixed, because it coincides with the ninth month of the Islamic calendar (which is called “Ramadan”), based on the lunar cycle. Unlike our calendar, which is based on the solar cycle, it is made up of months of 29 days, at most 30. Due to this dyscrasia, each year the month of Ramadan falls about 10 days earlier.

Why exactly in the ninth month?

It is the month in which, according to Islamic tradition, Muhammad received the revelation of the Koran “as a guide for men of right direction and salvation” (Sura II, v. 185).

How many people does it concern?

There are about 1.8 billion Muslims in the world, equal to about 23% of the total population. Islam is the second most widespread religion on the planet, after Christianity. It is also second in Italy, where its faithful are about 2.6 million.

What are the precepts of Ramadan?

Its fundamental aspect is fasting (sawn), one of the five duties of the Islamic faith. The others are the profession of faith (kalima), the daily recitation of the five prayers (salat), the giving of alms (zakat) and the completion, at least once in a lifetime, of the pilgrimage (hagg) to Mecca (Saudi Arabia ).

How long does fasting last?

Fasting must be done every day of the month, from sunrise to sunset. All other earthly pleasures, including smoking and having sexual intercourse, are also prohibited.

Are there any exceptions?

Only children or those who, due to force majeure, do not have the possibility, for example pregnant women or sick people, are exempted from fasting.

Does fasting also include a ban on drinking?

Yes, drinking is also forbidden and this is particularly difficult especially when Ramadan falls in the summer months.

How does everyday life change during Ramadan?

At sunset, the fast is broken, it is interrupted with a date or a glass of water. Then follows the evening meal (iftar). Accordingly, all practicing Muslims change their established habits.

Beyond fasting, what are the other aspects of Ramadan?

It also includes an inner path of purification and improvement of one’s person, which however has very subjective declinations. In general, Ramadan is not just renunciation: it is also the month of sociability, friendship and sharing.

Is there a particular wish that is appreciated by Muslims?

Yes: if you have friends of this confession, at this time give them the wish “Ramadan karim”, which means “generous Ramadan”.

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