Do you know what situations put your health and safety at risk at work and how to prevent them?

by time news

2023-04-22 19:49:08

In the month of Occupational Health and Safety, Pacífico Seguros offers a series of activities for risk managers in companies and the interested public, in order to promote a culture of prevention in the country.

The workplace is one of the spaces where there may be a high risk of incidents occurring that threaten your health, and even your life. Proof of this is that, in Peru, around 150,000 occupational accidents are recorded each year. according to the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion. Although companies are required to implement an Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SGSST), it is also important that each employee is aware of those aspects that put them at risk.

  • Ignoring defects in equipment and facilities: The company has the duty to properly maintain its machinery, tools, equipment and facilities as often as necessary, considering the wear and tear of its activities, but if you notice any damage, you must notify it immediately to avoid putting yourself and your colleagues at risk. .
  • Failure to properly use protective equipment: The company must provide you with the protective equipment according to the work you are going to do, in addition to explaining its correct use. It must be used responsibly and appropriately.
  • Lack of training: Before and during your work, the company where you work must train you for the activities that you are going to carry out, especially if it contemplates the manipulation of machinery, chemicals and tools. In addition, it is important that you apply everything you have learned by following the security measures in all the activities you do.
  • Disorder and lack of cleanliness in work areas: Although it may seem like a harmless oversight, if a drink spills on the floor or there is a bag thrown away, that space must be cleaned, since it could cause accidents due to someone slipping. Order must also prevail if a tool or merchandise is not found instead you may end up blocking the aisles or causing an accident.
  • Neglecting your mental health: It is important that you seek personal work balance, since its absence can have an impact on your mental health. Active breaks are a good method: every 30 minutes take a 5-minute break to rest your eyes and stretch, breathe, or fill yourself with positive thoughts.

Protege365 has been carrying out a series of free activities related to risk management and prevention such as legal and technical advice, contests, workshops for children, courses, presentations and much more; not only for business clients, but also for the general public. You can sign up here:

“It is a joint effort, the employer must fulfill its responsibility to ensure adequate risk management, and the employees must commit to following the measures. We, through Protege365, our digital platform for business risk prevention in the market, advise and train companies to implement the SGSST”, says Miguel Ortiz de Zevallos, Business Business Manager of Pacífico.

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