Do you know which are the 10 countries with the highest debt? Listed Currency Fund

by time news

The International Monetary Fund has published the names of the ten most indebted countries in the world by calculating the amount of debt in the world.

Accordingly, the Asian nation of Japan has the world’s highest debt of US$9.087 trillion. Japan, with a population of 127.18 million, has a debt of 234.18% of its GDP.

Greece’s total debt repayment is calculated at $381.72 billion, while the country’s GDP ratio is 193.30%.

Italy’s total debt

According to world estimates, Portugal ranks third with total debt of 285 billion dollars, which is 127% of GDP.

Italy’s total debt is 152.6% of its GDP. And 2.7 trillion in debt has been fixed.

Bhutan, a small Asian country, has a total debt of $3.05 billion. Debt is 134.94% of its GDP.

Cyprus’s total debt is $25.86 billion, a debt of 104.9% of the country’s GDP.

Belgium’s total debt is about 536.48 billion, which is almost 112% of the country’s GDP.

America is also on the list

Do you know which are the 10 countries with the highest debt?  Listed Currency Fund |  The 10 Countries With The Most Debt Dollars

The United States is also on the list with a debt of $28.43 trillion. Americans have about 137% of their GDP in debt.

Spain’s debt-to-GDP ratio is 119%.

Singapore’s total debt is about $254 billion and the country’s tax is 131.19% of GDP.

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