Do you suffer from stress and insomnia? A magic recipe that helps you fall asleep quickly, you won’t even think of!

by time news
Do you suffer from stress and insomnia? A magic recipe that helps you fall asleep quickly, you won’t even think of! – educate me

Many of us suffer from insomnia and cannot enjoy sleep, and this is due to a lot of thinking and stress as a result of daily events, so we offer you through our next article some tricks through which we will deceive the body into a state of rest and relaxation, which makes you fall asleep quickly, without the need for any medications chemical.

Tricks to get rid of insomnia and help sleep

  • Repeating the phrase “I do not want to sleep”: This solution is certainly unexpected, but it is tried and effective, since with the previous phrase being repeated several times, the least does not comprehend the word “no” and reads, losing the extent of the body’s need for sleep.
  • Imitation of bee buzzing:
    In the recent period, after many researches and tests were conducted, it was confirmed that the sound of bee buzzing is one of the things that help to relax and sleep quickly. Repeating the sounds for a period of time on the same tone makes the listener in a state of calm and then sleep deeply.
  • Sleeping on the back without a pillow:
    It is clear that the method may seem very simple and has little effect, but on the contrary, this method of going to sleep helps to get rid of anxiety and tension in the gym and helps to relax quickly, and lying on the back healthy prepares for the arrival of oxygen to the brain, which stimulates the process of relaxation and sleep quickly.
  • Breathing exercise:
    Since a while ago, the World Health Organizations conducted experiments on a group of individuals sleeping on their backs, keeping the arms away from the body a little, raising the shoulders up, and taking regular inhales and exhalations to help fall asleep quickly.
  • Eat vegetables:
    Whereas, in a recent study that was tested, it was proven that eating appropriate amounts of magnesium helps to relax and fall asleep quickly, unlike expected.

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