Do you want to follow the IR refund process and don’t know how? See now how to do it!

by time news

Following the Income Tax refund process is simple: just access the Federal Revenue website or download the agency’s official mobile application and provide the requested data, but the process only happens when the declaration is delivered in the right way.

In this article, you will understand what we mean by that and know the step by step to, first, know if you will have any money to receive and, second, be able to receive the amount owed. Let’s go?

How to query income tax refund?

The “My Income Tax” area on the e-CAC portal allows detailed consultation of the entire Income Tax refund process and, if you search for “Federal Government Income Tax Refund Consultation” on the internet, you will find a link from the government itself which also provides information.

Another way to make the query is using the Federal Revenue application for mobile or tablet. It’s called “My Income Tax” and exists for both Android and iOS.

Making an appointment on any of these channels costs nothing. The entire service is free of charge. Oh! And if you don’t have any data on hand besides the CPF, we recommend using the app.

Read also: IR Restitution: See Payment Dates and Who Receives

How to consult the Income Tax refund by CPF?

Specifically for the consultation by CPF, the best alternative is to download the application “My Income Tax”. It will probably be first on the list when you search for that name in your phone or tablet store and it will not cost you any downloads.

In the image of the application, the Federal Revenue logo and the initials “IRPF” appear and, in the description, is the phrase “Serviço e Informação do Brasil”.

It is worth remembering that the refund process only begins after you submit your complete income tax return and without any errors or mismatched information.

If there is a need for any IR rectification, it needs to be resolved before any possible refund of money paid in taxes reaches your bank account.

Read also: Learn How to Request a Refund of Income Tax Paid on Alimony for the Last 5 Years

How to track the Income Tax refund process?

First deliver the tax return without errors and, if you need to make corrections and adjustments, do it as soon as possible. Then, monitor the refund process through the options made available by the Tax Authorities – app or internet. Look for information in other reputable sources as well.

The first refunds only happen after the deadline for delivering the declarations has ended. All cash refunds are distributed in batches and, to stay on top of the payment dates for each one, the best thing to do is follow the news.

The batch to which you belong and, first of all, whether or not your statement gave you the right to any refund, you can find out through these channels mentioned above. Follow the steps below and you’ll see how easy it is!

Step by step to follow the IR refund process

It only takes three steps to follow up your entire refund process and see “where it stands”. Look.

  1. Open the “My Income Tax” application and search for “Refund Consultation” in the menu on the left corner or access the Federal Revenue page on the internet where you can do “IRPF Restitution Consultation”.
  2. Provide the requested data. In the app, only CPF and year referring to the consultation, on the website, CPF, year, date of birth and verification code that you are not a robot.
  3. Click on “Consult” and wait.

Everything you need to know will appear on the screen, including whether you are on the team that will receive some money or not. Did you consult and find out yes? Track the movement in exactly the same way.

Read also: Find out what to do if your income tax refund is late

How do you know if you are entitled to an income tax refund?

As well as consulting and monitoring everything related to the IR, finding out if you are entitled to a refund is no secret. In this case, the most recommended thing is to use the e-CAC portal, log in with your data and search.

And, if you have any doubts about any information, deepen your search a little further on the internet, but, again: only in official sources or, at least, reliable and known.

Does your status at the time of consultation appear as “restitution queue”? Just wait for the money to come in!

What does Income Tax refund status mean?

The status of the IR refund or the entire progress of the delivery of the Income Tax return is used to signal the taxpayer how the process is going and “in whose hands” it is at that exact moment.

Some statuses indicate that the IR has already reached the Revenue and is undergoing analysis, others indicate that some change in the declaration still needs to be made by the person who submitted it so that, only then, it can move forward. Not to mention the statuses that warm the heart, such as “in line for restitution”. It even rhymed.

How to understand the status of your Income Tax refund?

We made a very brief listing so you don’t have any more questions!

  • Processing: statement received and information being processed. Wait a few more days and check again.
  • Analysis: the document remains in the hands of the Revenue. Be patient.
  • Manual treatment: same thing as analysis, but with the difference that any news will be sent by the Tax Authorities to you by post. In addition to being patient, check your cards daily.
  • Processed: information already processed. It looks like it won’t be this year that part of the money you paid in taxes will go back into your pocket. We are sorry.
  • Refund queue: Revenue has already seen the statement and has already registered that you are entitled to receive some refund amount, but it is still not possible to know how much or when. Keep an eye!
  • Pendencies: it is up to you to adjust something that is wrong in your statement. Make the adjustments before the deadline for delivering the IR and hope for the rectification.
  • Rectified: statement adjusted (rected) and delivered to the Tax Authorities, who already understood that the previous document was replaced by the current one. Life goes on.
  • Canceled: we don’t even need to explain this one, right?

Pending issues can also be resolved by e-CAC.

How much does a taxpayer receive from the IR refund?

The amount paid by the Tax Authorities for each refund varies according to the total amount of declared taxes and is corrected according to the basic interest rate (Selic). The Federal Revenue itself does the calculation and, when tracking or checking your status, you find out how much you have to receive.

When is the IR refund paid?

Refunds fall into the taxpayers’ bank account according to the payment batches in which each one fits. These batches are defined by the Revenue and published online, on TV or in newspapers and radio stations in March of each year. Yours appears in the online consultation.

What is the schedule for refund payments?

In the first batch of refund payments, people over 60 and the disabled are given priority, in addition to teachers who have teaching as their main source of income.

In the second, appear taxpayers who delivered their statements right at the opening of the delivery deadline and so on.

It may be that these taxpayers without any type of priority, but in advance to render accounts to the Treasury, even appear in the first batch.

Don’t want to wait your turn or do you need the money urgently? Anticipate.

What is the Income Tax refund advance?

Anticipating the IR refund is nothing more than resorting to banking or credit institutions to get the money that the Treasury owes you before it’s your turn to receive it through the divisions of payments in batches.

And nothing fairer than receiving money that is already rightfully yours, right?

Who can anticipate the refund of the IR?

Anyone who is in the refund queue can anticipate their receipt. Generally, those who resort to this alternative need the money at that exact moment or do not want/can wait for their lot to arrive to receive it for some other reason.

How to advance the IR refund?

The best alternative today is to use the internet to get an income tax refund in advance by paying lower rates than those charged by banks, for example. Try it!

Just make a point of resorting to a platform that has certificates and that puts at your disposal specialists capable of helping you, including dealing with problems in the Income Tax refund process.

Counting on those who understand the subject makes everything much easier. Good luck!

Originally from Leona

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