Doc Argentero wins, Cukurova booms, Milan on the podium. Vinonuovo beats Formigli

by time news

Doc Luca Argentero isn’t wrong. ‘Terra Amara’, however, comes close to three million, while Milan-Rennes (on TV8 and on Sky) takes third place. Formigli lines up Prodi and Lucarelli but remains behind Vinonuovo, Del Debbio’s replacement, with Salvini and Bandecchi. Masterchef,
Lilli with Renzi and the return of Sinner in the foreground

The unbeatable ‘Doc’ on Rai1, the very loyal ‘Terra Amara’ on Canale5, Sylvester Stallone who ‘disappears’ on Rai2. And then, on the topic of talk, Geppy Cucciari in the ‘usual’ setting of Rai3, Marcello Vinonuovo in place of Paolo Del Debbio on Rete4, Corrado Formigli on La7. And therefore also Italia1 concentrated on in-depth analysis with ‘Inside’, a spin-off of Iene, on the Mollicone case.

These were the main products of the generalist grid on Thursday 15 February, but with the ‘alternative’ options stronger than ever: ‘Milan-Rennes’ of the Europa League free-to-air on TV8 and ‘Masterchef’ on SkyUno. But here’s how the audience’s preferences were oriented according to Auditel in prime time.

The episode finale of Doc

Below 5 million Argentero, who however dominates. ‘Terra Amara’ is close to 3 million

On Rai1 the fifth episode of ‘Doc – nelle Tue Mani 3’ attracted 4,877,000 viewers and a 25.8% share.

On Canale5 the Turkish soap ‘Terra Amara’, set in Cukurova, where many things happened to surprise the loyal public (two of the protagonists died), had 2,917,000 viewers with a share of 15.4%.

On TV8 the Europa League match at San Siro, Milan-Rennes, achieved 1,423,000 spectators with 6.7% on TV8, but also on Sky where it had 368 thousand and 1.7%, with the total match at 1,792 million and 8.5%.

Furthermore, in the afternoon on Sky Feyenoord-Roma had 418 thousand viewers with 2.4%. But let’s go back to prime time. Behind football came Italia 1.

For ‘Inside’ Veronica Ruggeri and Alessia Rafanelli addressed the Arce crime of poor Serena Mollicone and obtained 1.069 million viewers and 7.1%. Malissimo made the cult film on Rai2: ‘Creed – Born to fight’ was the choice of 447,000 spectators with only 2.4%.

The challenge of the talks – ‘depressed’ by free-to-air football – between Cucciari, Vinonuovo (4.8%) and Formigli (4.4%)

Football depression for political talk shows, but also for the light entertainment of the third network.

On Rete 4 on ‘Dritto e Rovescio’ Marcello Vinonuovo interviewed Matteo Salvini, (“Greetings to Paolo Del Debbio who had a small health problem said the host”, while the main guest said “I too had blood pressure problems and I take the tablet…”).

And then there was also talk of the Messina bridge, Geolier, the trappers and violence, the food of the future and the protests of farmers and breeders, the Bandecchi case, the Altavilla Milicia massacre. The program had 723,000 viewers and 4.8%.

On La7 at ‘Piazzapulita’, Formigli fielded Romano Prodi, Selvaggia Lucarelli, Francesca Albanese, Maria Elena Boschi, Roberto Salis, Emiliano Fittipaldi, Antonio Di Bella, Italo Bocchino, Salvatore Cuffaro, Nello Trocchia, Vittoria Baldino, Ismaele La Vardera, Stefano Massini, Renato Mannheimer. The broadcast achieved 656 thousand viewers and 4.4%.

In the period in which Vinonuovo and Formigli transmitted this balance sheet in overlap. Rete4 at 723 thousand and 4.77% and La7 at 671 thousand and 4.43%.

On Rai3 ‘Splendida Cornice’, with Geppy Cucciari hosting, had 744 thousand viewers and 4%, having a shorter duration than competing ‘political’ programmes.

The strong alternatives: good Nove. And ‘Masterchef’, despite the football on the Sky platform, exceeds 700 thousand

Among the strong alternatives to the main networks, in addition to TV8, SkyUno and Nove did very well. ‘Masterchef’ had 730 thousand viewers overall with 3.3%. The new season of ‘Only Fun – Comedian Show’ collected 561,000 viewers with 2.8%.

In access among the talks Lilli wins with Renzi. Down Bianchina

The access prime time talk game was more interesting than usual. From Lilli Gruber to ‘Otto e mezzo’ Matteo Renzi was a guest, with Massimo Giannini and Daniela Preziosi. Bianca Berlinguer responded to ‘Before tomorrow’ by hosting the ‘tractors’ and then Mario Giordano, Lorenzo Biagiarelli, Annalisa Chirico, Stefano Cappellini. On Rai2, on Manuela Moreno’s Tg2 Post, however, we talked about tractors and agriculture with Riccardo Molinari and Anna Laura Orrico.

The balance was clear: Gruber at 1.476 million and 6.7%; Moreno at 628 thousand and 2.83%, Berlinguer at 621 thousand and 2.87%, almost reached by Paolo Conticini on the Nove (‘Cash or trash’ at 571 thousand and 2.6%).

Sinner 260 miles from Rotterdam

In the afternoon the tennis match from Rotterdam between Jannik Sinner and Gael Monfils had 260 thousand spectators with 1.25%.

Jannik Sinner (Photo Ansa)

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