Doctolib “refocuses” on health and closes the door to “wellness practitioners”

by time news

Big autumn cleaning within Doctolib: two months after a controversy over naturopaths, the French champion of medical appointments decided on Wednesday October 26 to “focus exclusively” on caregivers “referenced by the authorities”pushing out nearly 6,000 “wellness practitioners”.

Slice in the quick to burst the abscess: accused at the end of the summer of serving as bail for charlatans, even for sectarian excesses, Doctolib opted for a draconian remedy. “We have decided to refocus exclusively on professionals referenced by the health authorities”declares its president, Stanislas Niox-Chateau.

Therefore, “5,700 wellness practitioners will no longer be able to use our services” and have been notified of the termination of their contracts, with a period of “six months to find another solution”, he adds. Among these turned away customers, naturopaths, sophrologists or even hypnotherapists, not registered in the official directories (RPPS and Adeli).

Personalities discredited by the world of health

“No legal obligation” did not force him to do so, but this choice “seems logical” for this group “became a trusted third party in the health sector” and who has no “not intended to do anything else”.

The essential appointment platform, erected by the public authorities as a pillar of the anti-Covid vaccination campaign, was overtaken by its success in mid-August, when caregivers criticized it on social networks for referring naturopaths to dangerous practices.

Among these, followers of controversial personalities like Irène Grosjean and Thierry Casasnovas, influential with a wide audience despite their discredited positions in the world of health.

Sophrologists are not spared

Caught in the turmoil, Doctolib initially had “suspended appointment booking for 17 profiles” of litigious professionals, then “strengthened its verification procedures”, preventing in particular the making of appointments before the control of diplomas and the right to practice, possible until then. Enough to ease the pressure before committing to a real ” background work “ with health orders, healthcare unions and patient associations, among others.

After “six weeks of consultations”, there was hardly any other possibility. Discarded, the track of a banishment of only naturopaths, which would have spared sophrologists or hypnotherapists. Not retained either, the track of a second platform reserved for these professions, certainly legal, but not regulated and absent for this reason from the official directories.

“We take our responsibilities”declares Stanislas Niox-Chateau, arguing that if “wellness activities have their place”they are not “not framed”. And there is no “no way to check the level of qualification” of those who practice them.

“It’s trust that will make the difference”

No question therefore of risking the reputation of the group, object of“legitimate expectations” health professionals, who constitute the bulk of its clientele: in France, 170,000 doctors, dentists, nurses, midwives, but also psychologists and osteopaths use its appointment scheduling and teleconsultation tools.

A clientele that is all the more valuable as the company has just gained a foothold in the medical software market and is investing in similar tools for nurses and physiotherapists, as well as hospitals.

The challenge is well worth the sacrifice of the few million euros in revenue generated by the ” welfare “, at the rate of €100 per subscriber and per month. Because for the boss of Doctolib, “it’s trust that will make the difference in the long term”.

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