Doctor affirms that pain during menstruation is not normal

by time news
  • The Congress of the Union of Mexico City presented the initiative called Law of Dignified Menstruation.
  • Based on the proposal, women may request to be absent from their workplace for up to three consecutive days with pay if they experience any type of discomfort during their period.
  • A gynecologist assures that pain during menstruation should not be normalized because there could be a disease behind it such as endometriosis.

There are life processes that cannot be avoided. In the case of women the Menstruation is a stage that everyone must experience from adolescence to adulthood, although in some cases it generates intense pain, But is this normal or could it be related to some disease?

Dignified Menstruation Law in Mexico

The discussion is based on the current proposal entitled Decent Menstruation Law. It was raised by the Congress of the Union of Mexico City and although it has not yet been approved, it has already caused an intense debate.

Based on the proposal, Women may request to be absent from their workplace for up to three consecutive days with pay if they experience some type of intense pain during their menstruation.

“Menstruation should not hurt”

Regarding this issue, Dr. Carlos Maquitawho is a gynecologist and specialist in reproductive biology, assured that women should see a health professional if they experience pain during their menstrual period. He made it clear that this type of discomfort should not be normalized because there may be some diseases behind it.

Constant discomfort could be caused by endometriosis

The doctor certified by the Mexican Council of Gynecology and Obstetrics (COMEGO), said that one of the most common causes of pain during menstruation is endometriosis. It is a disease that causes the tissue that covers the uterus to grow in other areas of the body, which causes intense pain, irregular bleeding and even infertility.

“The causes of discomfort must be addressed, which can be diseases such as endometriosis, a condition that affects one in ten women and can cause infertility,” said the specialist with more than 20 years of experience dedicated to women’s and women’s health. couples with fertility problems.

Some of the symptoms caused by endometriosis are pain when having sex, having a bowel movement or urinating. Also bloating, nausea, fatigue – which also causes depression and anxiety – in addition to infertility.

“Due to the large amount of discomfort caused by endometriosis and the normalization of pain, many women let time go by to see a doctor, which prevents diagnosing the disease in a timely manner and starting a treatment that offers quality of life and allows preserve fertility.

Even though the endometriosis has no cure, it can be controlled to reduce intense pain and prevent women from being affected in their fertility in case of not being treated properly.

If not diagnosed in a timely manner, endometriosis can cause surgery to remove the endometrial tissue implants, so it is very important that women seek medical advice.

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