Doctor and former provincial councilor Pietro Revetria has died

by time news

September 1, 2024 | 07:52

0Doctor and former provincial councilor Pietro Revetria has died

Peter Revetria [foto Provincia]

He died in his home in Bagnasco at the age of 70 due to an illness

Il surgeon Pietro Revetria has died in his home in Bagnasco at the age of 70 due to an illness. Former director of the integrated department of Surgery in Saluzzo and Savigliano, general practitioner in Val Tanaro, after retirement he took over the management of the RSA “Fondazione Opera Pia Garelli” in Garessio and the residence “La Luna” in Bagnasco. His social commitment had also involved administrative activity having been deputy mayor in Ceva, municipal councilor in Priola and provincial councilor with the UDC.

“I lose a friend and a source of inspiration – declares Luca RobaldoPresident of the Province of Cuneo. – Our territory loses a true ‘Institution’: a person who knew no hardship or impossibility and who always put the Community’s interests before his own personal interests. An incredible doctor, he did good for thousands of patients. An administrator never subservient to political dynamics, he was able to defend the Cebano territory and the Tanaro valley in a determined and indomitable way. I am truly sad”.

“Pietro was first of all a friend, a personal friend and a point of reference for the whole of Cebano and for the Cuneo healthcare system with whom I shared work and political experiences, also at an administrative level in the Municipality of Ceva – the comment of Fabio Mottinellimayor of Ceva. A significant loss for our community. Pietro was a human example for many, a doctor from another era who gave his heart and soul with self-denial for his patients, his friends and for the hospital in Ceva. The best way to remember him will be to carry on his lifelong battles”.

Revetria leaves his wife Lucia, his children Clara, Gloria, Davide and Tullio. The funeral will be held on Tuesday 3 September at 3 pm in the church of Sant’Antonio Abate in Bagnasco.

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