Doctor beaten by a patient in the Merano emergency room: he wanted a free drug – Merano

by times news cr

BOLZANO. New attacks against healthcare workers in Trentino Alto Adige. A doctor from Emergency room of the Merano hospital he was beaten with kicks and punches by a drug-addicted patient who demanded a free prescription for a drug.

The Trentino patient – says the Dolomiten newspaper – had shortly before been visited by another doctor who had prescribed the drug for a fee. The patient therefore returned to the emergency room to complain to another doctor. According to the database, however, he had previously been prescribed the same drug in the hospitals of Bolzano and Bressanone.

At this point the doctor suggested a neurological or psychiatric examination, which the patient however refused. Once the man left the hospital to skip the queue in the waiting room, he injured his arm and had to be taken back to the emergency room by ambulance. “He shouted my name”, the doctor told the newspaper, “and then attacked me with punches, kicks and spit”. The man was reported by the Carabinieri.

In Trento, a Trentino Emergenza nurse was hit during an operation by a drunk man. The health worker – reports the newspaper L’Adige – had arrived with the ambulance due to the illness of a client in a room in the Santa Maria Maggiore district, but the patient in a strong state of alcoholic alteration violently opposed the treatment. After suffering a strong punch to the abdomen, the nurse had to interrupt his work shift.

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