Doctor commits suicide after working 200 overtime hours

by time news

2023-08-29 02:00:44

According to the WHO, between January 2020 and May 2021 it is estimated that around 115,000 health workers died of Covid-19.
PAHO affirms that there is a deficit of 600,000 doctors in America.
A 26-year-old doctor committed suicide after being forced to work more than 200 overtime hours in his hospital for a month.

Hospitals are places intended for patient care, but they can also be places of torture for health professionals. In fact, as a result of the marathon days, tragic cases can occur such as the suicide of a doctor that was generated after working more than 200 hours of overtime for a month. The exhaustion was so great that she decided to make a fatal decision.

In that case, one of the ironies of the profession is that Doctors often sacrifice their health in order to take care of their patients. This is a situation that should not happen but unfortunately it is quite common. In addition, it is a global problem that has been caused by the shortage of health workers.

Just to get a clearer picture, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) affirms that there is a deficit of 600,000 doctors in the Americas. The consequence is that coverage is deficient, especially in rural areas. People far from big cities do not have the possibility of accessing basic and less specialized services.

During the pandemic the problem became more evident. Furthermore, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), Between January 2020 and May 2021, it is estimated that around 115,000 health workers died of Covid-19.

Doctor exploited at work commits suicide

However, labor exploitation within the medical union is not exclusive to one country but rather occurs throughout the planet. A recent case with a fatal outcome occurred in Japan.

According to what was reported by CNNTakashima Shingo was a 26-year-old resident who worked at the Konan Medical Center located in the city of Kobe. The specialty he was studying has not been specified, but what is known is that he was subjected to an extreme work day.

The resident’s family claims the young man was forced to work 207 overtime hours in a month. C.As a consequence, he not only developed physical and extreme fatigue, that is, Burnout Syndrome, but also had a serious picture of depression.

Based on all of the above, the young doctor decided to commit suicide. The tragic event has gone around the world to publicize the dangerous conditions that exist in a country as advanced as Japan.

For their part, the doctor’s family has already filed a complaint against the hospital, assuring that it is the organization responsible for this fact. What is sought is to achieve a change in a country because in recent years the culture of overwork has been “normalized”.

The sad reality of Mexico

On the other hand, what happened in Japan is not alien to the reality of Mexico. In the case of our country, a real regulation of the residents is lacking because to date they lack a legal figure. Therefore, it has not been defined if they are students or workers, although in the end they fulfill both functions.

While all Hospitals force young people to perform 36-hour shifts straight from the boarding school. Exploitation generates high levels of fatigue that can have deadly consequences.

Also read:

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False doctor commits suicide: He had caused at least 12 deaths

Mourning in health for the suicide of a doctor in his office in Chiapas

#Doctor #commits #suicide #working #overtime #hours

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