Doctor denounces shortage of fentanyl in Mexican hospitals

by time news
  • In recent years, shortages of drugs have been reported in our country, especially drugs for children with cancer.
  • One of AMLO’s recent proposals was to ban fentanyl for medical use in Mexico to avoid experiencing an opioid overdose crisis like the one facing the United States.
  • In the midst of this panorama, a doctor has now warned of a shortage of fentanyl in the country’s hospitals.

In order for health professionals to fulfill their duties, they require the maximum possible support. In the same way that constant updating is required, they must also receive the appropriate tools to carry out their work. The problem is that during the last months the shortage of medicines in public hospitals and now the situation has reached fentanyl.

Why was the drug shortage generated?

According to the Soy Paciente association, the difficulties began due to the dependence on international markets such as China and India, who handle not only pharmaceutical components but their precursors.

At the same time, one of the decisions of the current government was to change the way of buying medicines abroad. The argument used was that there was corruption and a monopoly. With this, the only thing that has been achieved has been delays in acquisitions. While in the end the biggest losers are the patients.

The problem gained notoriety when parents of children with cancer started a national movement. His complaint was that the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) did not provide the drugs that patients require to continue with their treatments. This is a serious situation that leaves patients vulnerable because there can be no delays.

Now there is a shortage of fentanyl in hospitals

For his part, today the Dr. Alejandro Macias He raised his voice to make a complaint through his social networks. She directly accused him that there is a shortage of fentanyl in hospitals across the country. This is a complex problem that could be related to recent statements by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

During his morning conference on March 15, he proposed to ban fentanyl for medical use in Mexico. His argument was that this would prevent our country from developing a public health crisis like the one facing the United States.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), drug overdose deaths have increased fivefold since 1999 in the United States. In fact, in 2020 alone, 75% of the 91,799 registered deaths were due to the excessive use of opioids.

A misguided campaign against fentanyl?

Although AMLO’s intention is noble, in reality the situation is quite complex and some detractors affirm that it is not the solution because the root of the problem is not being attacked. Furthermore, in case of banning fentanyl for medical use the main affected will be the doctors themselves and hospitalized patients.

The downside is that in recent years the manufacture and distribution of illegal fentanyl has increased. In both the United States and Mexico, there are frequent laboratories created and operated by organized crime that are in charge of creating their own versions of this opioid, albeit in low quality, and making them available to anyone.

From the above, the doctors affirm that Banning fentanyl for medical use in Mexico or in any other country is a mistake because the problem is not generated there. The truly correct thing is to end the clandestine places that illegally produce the drug. In addition, the sanctions against the people who distribute it on the black market should be increased.

For now, in your case, have you detected a shortage of fentanyl in the country’s hospitals?

Also read:

Banning fentanyl for medical use in Mexico is the solution?

Drug shortages in Mexico, a delicate and urgent problem

Mexican anesthesiologist could go to prison for buying fentanyl for her patients

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