Doctor Manoon raised the ‘X-ray of the lungs’ a 104-year-old patient with congenital disease Confirms Covid vaccine helps reduce severity for 5 days. Symptoms are much better.

by time news

Doctor Manoon raised the ‘X-ray of the lungs’ a 104-year-old patient with congenital disease Confirms Covid vaccine helps reduce severity for 5 days. Symptoms are much better.

On September 5, Dr. Manoon Leechawengwong, Head of Respiratory Disease Vichaiyut Hospital posted a Facebook page, “Mr Manoon Leechawengwong FC”, indicating that some elderly children Refusing to allow the elderly to be vaccinated against COVID-19 because of fear of what the elderly will be after vaccination and cited the reason that the elderly did not go anywhere stay at home And everyone in the house is fully vaccinated.

a misunderstanding the elderly vaccinated It will greatly reduce the severity of the disease. Let’s look at an example of a 104-year-old patient with multiple congenital diseases. Still safe after covid because he received the full dose of vaccine followed by the booster needle and received antiviral drugs early

A 104-year-old female patient with diabetes. Hyperlipidemia, memory loss, bedridden, tube feeding Received 2 doses of AstraZeneca, boosted with 1 dose of Moderna vaccine. Four months ago, came to the hospital on August 29, 2022 with a fever of 38.6 degrees Celsius, coughing, and rapid heartbeat. normal oxygen level Normal lung X-ray (see picture), ATK test, positive. Three days earlier, keepers who received 2 doses of AstraZeneca and 2 doses of Moderna were infected with COVID-19. infecting this elderly patient.

To sleep in the hospital. A total of 5 days of injectable antiviral remdesivir started, patient improved very quickly, fever decreased, cough improved, no fatigue, x-ray before returning home to normal (see figure).

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