“Doctor Manoon” reveals “Covids” in the body can cause pneumonia to repeat. Even after recovering

by time news

On Dec. 8, 2022, Dr. Manoon Leechawengwong, a specialist in respiratory diseases Vichaiyut Hospital Posting a message via Facebook, Dr. Manoon Leechawengwong FC stated that the COVID-19 virus can remain (persistent) in the body. and repeatedly cause pneumonia in people who have had lymphoma This group of people may be a breeding ground for new strains of the COVID virus. Continue to spread the infection to other people. If possible, try to get rid of the virus in their bodies completely. By administering multiple antiviral drugs simultaneously with ready-made immunity

A 67-year-old male patient had lymphoma. He was cured with chemotherapy 5 years ago and had 4 cases of pneumonia caused by the coronavirus in 4 months.

  • 1st time : Month of July 2022
    Fever, cough, tiredness, lung X-ray has white patches Genetic code RT-PCR SARS-CoV 2 plus CT value 17.40. First intravenous dose of remdesivir was administered on 23 July for 5 days after improving pneumonia.
  • 2nd time : Month of Aug. 2022
    Fever, cough, tiredness, and X-ray pneumonia ATK positive, received intravenous remdesivir on Aug. 23 for 10 days after improvement of pneumonia.
  • 3rd time : September 2022
    Coughing, tired, ATK test positive.
  • 4th time : October 2022
    Fever, cough, tiredness, x-rays with pneumonia Genetic code RT-PCR SARS-CoV2 plus CT value 19.04, administered remdesivir intravenously for 10 days on 19 Oct 2022 after receiving complete remdesivir. Continue taking Paxlovid and Molnupiravir at the same time for 5 days each.

This patient had previously received 4 doses of the COVID vaccine, 2 doses of AstraZeneca, 1 dose of Pfizer and 1 dose of Moderna, but the anti spike protein antibody antibody blood test showed no immunity. At all (less than 50) patients received Evusheld Immunotherapy. After the first intramuscular injection on 16 Aug. 2022, 1 month later, the Anti spike protein antibody level was measured at 19,876. antibody 2 weeks later, immunity is greater than 40,000 AU/ml

Follow-up patients 5 weeks after taking the anti-Covid 3 drug at the same time, namely Remdesivir injectable, Paxlovid, Molnupiravir oral plus Evusheld Immunotherapy intramuscularly after suffering from pneumonia No. 4 from COVID, the patient is much better, no cough, no Tired, no fever, able to exercise, ATK test once a week for 4 consecutive weeks, negative. Recent X-ray of the lungs returned to normal (see photo). I believe that this treatment. able to get rid of the COVID virus in the body completely must continue to follow closely

One case has been reported in the United Kingdom as this case. Remdesivir and Paxlovid have been shown to have good results (see figure), indicating that the combination of antiviral agents enhances the antiviral effect. and side effects do not increase.

Information from Doctor Manoon Leechawengwong FC

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