Doctor Theerawat recently said that monkeypox is not dead, but can be disfigured. What to do if infected

by time news

Statement from the UK health security agency

The outbreak in England is the first of its kind that is largely not linked to people arriving from an already endemic area. and shows that it is already spreading in the community and person to person (An outbreak in America or in other countries in the past It usually starts with the introduction of rodents from Africa and then spreads to other animals such as ground squirrels and sells them as pets. According to the incident in America in 2003, after that, transmission was from animal to person and person to person, but later on by people returning from travel to already endemic areas) from day six to day. May 30

In the UK, there have been 190 cases, in England 183, Scotland 4, Northern Ireland 2 and Wales, one UK. Of the 153 cases, 132 were Londoners. and most were men with two women, 87% aged between 20 and 49, 111 were GBMSM34, or only 18% had a history of traveling abroad. The British authorities are now accelerating the development of knowledge and understanding of the symptoms of the disease and awareness.

“In having to observe yourself and to isolate yourself as soon as you feel sick.”
because the infection will begin to spread on the day of the onset of symptoms through close contact droplets from talking, coughing, sneezing Contact with rashes, blisters, pustules, blisters with scabs

In England and Spain, there are links to bars and saunas joining existing festival gatherings. The UK authorities are now in close collaboration with associations including the British Association of Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH), the British HIV Association, the Terrence Higgins Trust, Stonewall and dating App Grindr to link sexual health. services and the GBMSM community
The LGBT Consortium and Pride organisers across the UK help spread awareness about self-defense and disease symptoms. Observe yourself for rashes, spots, blisters, pus, anywhere on your body.

Doctor Theerawat recently said that monkeypox is not dead, but can be disfigured.  What to do if infected

Encourage those who doubt themselves to come to consult and make a diagnosis to prevent The spread continues and to stop the outbreak as soon as possible. And the husband must isolate for 21 days according to the incubation period of the disease before symptoms appear.

In Thailand, the Ministry of Public Health has publicized in the same manner as in England. Samples for confirmation and diagnosis of smallpox can be sent for examination at the Center for Health Sciences for Emerging Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn Hospital, the World Health Organization Cooperation Center. Research and train animal viruses to humans.

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