“Doctor Thira” reveals new information that covids can infect immune cells that fight HIV.

by time news

We know that CD4 T cells are immune cells in the blood that are important in the fight against pathogens, as in disease.HIVThat if an infection enters the body, this cell will be destroyed over time. if not treated leading to immunodeficiency states anddiedfrom opportunistic infectious diseases

for SARS-CoV-2 causing COVID-19 This research proves that it can infect CD4, it needs to be followed up to see how much it happened. and there will be a pathogenetic mechanism Does it affect the body of the infected person in the long term?


Shen, XR., Geng, R., Li, Q. et al. ACE2-independent infection of T lymphocytes by SARS-CoV-2. Sig Transduct Target Ther 7, 83 (2022).

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