Doctor would have been murdered by his own son, was it patricide?

by time news

2023-11-17 02:00:48

The case of a doctor murdered allegedly by his own son It has gone around the world. The investigation remains ongoing and has generated all kinds of comments, but before drawing advance conclusions it is necessary to know the facts and avoid falling into prejudice.

The family It is one of the most important aspects that a person has. Due to its value, it is even considered to be the fundamental cell of any society. At the same time, it is also common for disputes to exist between related people and sometimes they are the cause of breakups and even major problems.

A doctor was murdered by his own son?

Now it is time to talk about a case in question that has caused strong indignation. Everything occurred on November 12 in the province of Tungurahua in Ecuador when the lifeless body of the Dr. José Jácome Larawho was 57 years old.

In addition to the tragedy, the way everything happened is the most worrying. He doctor He was found stabbed and his throat slit inside his home. The bloody scene sparked the beginning of an investigation that has led to unexpected paths.

An investigation file was immediately opened to find those responsible. Based on local media there are several aspects to consider. One of the most important is that the locks of the home are not damaged nor were they forced.

For its part, with the help of the security cameras it can be seen that on the day of the crime no one entered the doctor’s home. In fact, the only one who was in the place and never left it was the doctor’s son.

With this background, one of the authorities’ hypotheses is that the doctor was murdered by his own son. Therefore it is said that this is a case of patricide. It has not yet been able to be completely verified because more elements are needed to reach a conclusion and offer a sentence.

Meanwhile, the 31-year-old, who lived in the same home as his parents, remains arrested although he has requested his right to silence. Furthermore, the motives behind the attack are unknown, but if found guilty he could spend up to 26 years in prison.

Who was Dr. José Jácome Lara?

According to information from several local mediahe doctor He enjoyed popularity and recognition among the rural population. For more than 20 years he has been caring for low-income patients in areas far from the big cities in Ecuador.

His last job was at the Health Center of the Emilio Terán parish. He also used to treat patients at his home.

In all cases, people remember him as a kind doctor and committed to his profession. Not only did he have the necessary knowledge but he also offered a service based on empathy and respect.

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