Doctors are the best-paid profession group in Latvia /

by times news cr

Managers in the field of information and communication technologies (4,259 euros), ship and aircraft drivers and technical specialists (3,564 euros) also rank among the better-paid profession groups.

Vendors selling various goods (except food) in streets, stadiums, cinemas, theaters and other public places received an average of 598 euros per month before tax, which is the lowest among all occupational groups.

Childminders and teacher’s assistants (754 euros), food preparation assistants (755 euros), clothing makers (756 euros) and house, hotel and office cleaners and their assistants were also less paid, with a monthly salary of 801 euros before tax.

Employees with higher education were better paid than those with secondary and lower education, as well as those with professional education, but women in all educational groups in 2022 earned less per hour on average than men.

The highest average hourly wages were for men and women with a doctorate (18.62 and 14.8 euros, respectively) and a master’s degree (12.58 and 10.23 euros).

The biggest pay difference was for employees with less than primary school education – 9.32 euros for men and 5.19 euros for women, but it should be taken into account that these figures could have been influenced by the insufficient representation of the relevant group in the sample.

CSB has researched that in 2022 the highest average hourly wage was for employees aged 30 to 39. On the other hand, young people aged 15-19 and seniors over 69 had the lowest salary.

In Latvia in 2022, collective agreements were concluded for more than a fifth or 23% of employees. The largest share of covered employees out of the total number of employees in the sector was in the health and social care (65%), energy (53%) and education (52%) sectors.

The conclusion of collective agreements can be initiated by both the employer and employee representatives or organizations. By concluding a collective labor agreement, employees obtain more favorable terms of labor relations compared to the current relevant regulatory enactments.

CSB informs that in 2022, 6.3% of all employees worked paid overtime. According to the data provided by the employers, paid overtime was more often shown to employees of the basic group of professions of equipment and machine operators and product assemblers – overtime is registered in 14.5% of employees. Paid overtime was the least common among managers (1.7%) and senior professionals (2.3%).

Compared to the data collected in the 2018 Salary structure survey, in 2022 the average salary, recalculated in conditional full-time employment, has grown faster for the academic staff of universities and other higher education institutions – from 1,122 euros to 2,798 euros, for garbage collectors (from 621 euros to 1,468 EUR), for craftsmen (from EUR 785 to EUR 1,840) and crop growers (from EUR 792 to EUR 1,663).

The salary structure survey is conducted every four years in all European Union member states according to a uniform methodology that ensures comparable salary indicators.

The source of data on wages and their influencing factors is a sample survey and administrative data sources of merchants, state and local government institutions, foundations, associations and foundations and their branches.

The main indicators are the hourly and monthly average regular wages in October 2022 and the monthly average wages with irregular bonuses and allowances in 2022.

2024-08-22 19:05:29

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