Doctors reveal smallpox monkey pox, awake but not panicking indicates that early detection can reduce the risk of epidemic

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Doctors reveal smallpox monkey pox, awake but not panicking indicates that early detection can reduce the risk of epidemic and revealing prevention and treatment methods

Bangkok, 14 June 2022 – Roche Diagnostics (Thailand) Co., Ltd. joins hands with the Medical Genome Center. Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital Mahidol University Clinical Emerging Disease Center Chulalongkorn Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society and National Influenza Center Department of Medical Sciences Organized an online academic forum, Roche Connect the Dots, on the topic of “In-depth, Insights into the issue of “smallpox” and PCR testing” to provide information on the epidemic situation. around the world Forecast of the number of infected people around the world and Thailand. Causes and symptoms of the disease, methods of examination, follow-up and treatment, including diagnostic technology. as well as countermeasures from the World Health Organization and in Thailand through the company’s YouTube Live channel Roche Diagnostics Thailand.

By Asst. Prof. Dr. Opas Puttacharoen, Head of the Emerging Clinical Center Chulalongkorn Hospital The Thai Red Cross Society said that Monkey pox is an infectious disease caused by infection with the orthopox family of viruses through exposure to secretions or by eating rodent meat. which when infected in humans will cause fever blistering rash pustules on the body Similar to smallpox, which was eradicated in 1968.

“From the situation of the smallpox epidemic, updated today (June 14, 65), approximately 1,500 confirmed cases have been reported around the world, especially in high-risk countries in Europe and the Americas. Especially in Spain, the UK, the United States, Canada and Portugal, where the number of confirmed cases has exceeded 20, the number is expected to continue to rise. But at present, there are no reported cases of infection in Thailand. which still need to be continuously monitored which is believed to be spread from person to person through close contact with the secretions of infected people This is because the virus has an incubation period of up to 21 days and, in some cases, the blistering rash occurs only in the oral mucosa. And up to 60% of the genitals are similar to sexually transmitted diseases such as herpes or possibly syphilis. causing patients may not know that they are ill with smallpox causing the spread of infection to others For those with a history of high-risk exposure It is necessary to self-isolate for at least 3 weeks before symptoms can be identified to determine whether the patient is infected or not. If not found is not considered a patient for current treatment guidelines smallpox infection It can be treated with three classes of antiviral drugs, although they are not the only standard drugs for the disease. But smallpox drugs can be used in humans: Tecovirimat and Cidofovir, Brincidofovir. This may have a slight side effect on the liver. and because it is an infectious disease that can heal on its own in healthy patients and the mortality rate is relatively low. antiviral drug use There is still a need for some patients only. at risk of life-threatening disease such as those who take immunosuppressant drugs immunocompromised blood cancer patients In which the general public does not need to be vaccinated like other epidemics such as COVID-19 due to the limited chance of spreading the virus. Therefore, it is suitable for people who have the opportunity to come into contact with infected people, such as doctors, medical personnel, nursing staff. who have the opportunity to be exposed to this disease including family members of the patient Which can be vaccinated to boost immunity after the risk,” said Asst. Prof. Opas.

On the side of Dr. Pilailuck Akkapaiboon Okada, head of the National Influenza Center Department of Medical Sciences about the diagnosis in the laboratory that Because monkey pox is a disease with information and experience in detecting the virus, and with a ready public health emergency action plan And the response to the past Covid-19 epidemic situation is like a rehearsal plan in real situations. Encourage staff to be ready to cope All relevant departments have expertise and are ready to operate. Therefore, the examination can be prepared immediately. Both the screening system and the diagnosis of infection to assist in confirmation. Currently, RT-PCR and genetic transcription methods can be used. This is considered as one of the important proactive prevention is the diagnosis, which can isolate the patient from society to enter the treatment process quickly. reduce the spread

“For the diagnosis of infection, it can be done by collecting samples of the wound, the wound, the blood and the swab, and the results will be released within 24 hours. Treatment is still symptomatic. Most of the time, the disease can go away on its own. However, reagents for RT-PCR testing must be reagents capable of detecting the pathogen that causes the 2022 outbreak. You can request to get tested at a hospital near your home. The data set from the disease investigation from the hospital will be sent to the Department of Disease Control. while the samples will be sent to the Department of Medical Sciences to lead to the detection of infection in the laboratory in the biovault of the Department of Science The Committee on the Pathogens and Animal Toxics Act will consider the severity of the disease for grading again. by assessing the situation of the disease,” added Dr. Pilailuck.

Prof. Kiatkun, Dr. Wasan Chantrathit, Head of the Medical Genome Center Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital Mahidol University Discuss the analysis of the genetic code. and to plan guidelines for prevention and treatment that Monkey pox epidemic is now It is a mutated lemur pox strain that has 40 mutations compared to the original strain and has a faster mutation. Therefore, the whole genome decoding of the monkey pox virus (MONKEYPOX) will facilitate laboratory diagnostics. and help answer the question of why there are more than 100 concurrent outbreaks of monkeypox in many countries outside Africa (which are considered endemic) in Europe, the United States and Australia.

“Based on studies over the past four years, there has been a rapid mutation to one place per month, instead of just one per year. It is a sign of danger that must be prepared to deal with. It is believed that there is a high probability that it will enter Thailand in the future. Relevant agencies can perform a PCR “swap” of saliva, water or pus from the wound blister. The genetic material is extracted (nucleic acid purification) and sent to the Medical Genome Center. so that we can help each other decode the genetic code,” concluded Prof. Kiatkun, Dr. Wasan.

about virus

Monkeypox was first identified in 1985 among monkeys bred for research purposes. However, the virus is thought to be transmitted from wild animals such as rodents to humans. or from person to person in West Africa and Central Africa An average of 2-3 thousand cases can be found per year, but can be found outside the African continent. Most of which are related to a trip to Africa. or importing infected animals Therapies and vaccines being developed for smallpox are expected to be helpful in limiting the spread of monkeypox.1

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