Doctors suggest how to spot covids in lungs “frequent cough-tired” dangerous – Post Today General Society

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Doctors advise how to observe covid infection in lungs “frequent cough – tired” dangerous

Date 08 Apr 2022 time 20:53

Medical experts open guidelines to care for Covid patients for “staying at home”, suggesting ways to observe the infection in the lungs “Frequent cough-tired” emphasizes that the booster vaccine is still very necessary. Asking for Songkran to be safe, wear masks – check ATK

On April 8, Prof. Honorary Dr. Amorn Leelarrasamee, President of the Medical Association of Thailand and Vice Rector Siam University Mentioned on the Covid Forum show, here’s the answer. Organized by the Safe and Creative Media Development Fund in collaboration with the Federation of Health and Elderly Workers Association on the issue of “I have been infected with Covid How to treat the symptoms?” that the care of those infected with COVID-19 with few symptoms or green group Currently, the focus will be on home treatment (HI) to adapt to endemic diseases (Endemic), which will have to develop a more effective telephone communication system. so that the infected person can contact the doctor periodically especially in cases where the symptoms are more severe. For example, the need for a ventilator in the hospital (hospital) is now at 700-800, of which this number is not a full use. It is a short-term use for the first 1-2 days, with symptoms improving after receiving antiretroviral therapy. fingertip oxygen meter so that the infected person can see the risk of coronavirus that may enter the lungs The level to be careful of is 95-96% with other symptoms such as high fever, frequent coughing and then feeling short of breath after coughing. It is noted that found a lung problem especially those at risk of emphysema who smoke heavily. However, the risk groups that need to be careful of covids entering the lungs are group 608 and smokers. Restoring lung function after infection It is advisable to walk slowly, not overdo it, get out in the sun and get enough sleep.

During Songkran this year Ask everyone to get vaccinated for Covid, especially the booster needle. for continued immunity We estimate that if the 3rd needle is injected 80%, the situation will improve. reduce the rate of serious illness alleviate hospitalization Along with living together, they ask that they have an ATK test before traveling. Wear a mask while cleaning the touch points. It’s very easy to do. Just use soapy water to wipe clean, let it dry, the germs will be destroyed.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thana Korcharoenporn, Department of Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Faculty of Medicine Thammasat University said that the current coviral infected people can be divided into 2 main categories: 1. Outpatients. There will be 2 cases, divided into the project “find giveaway”. Green group people with less symptoms can contact the hospital to receive medicine according to their symptoms. Returning home to observe symptoms The doctor will follow up in the first 48 hours, then can take care of yourself for another 10 days if symptoms worsen. can contact the hospital immediately, with the other group being treated at home (HI), which has more symptoms Doctors will follow up over a period of 5 days. Most of the time, medication is used to treat symptoms. received antiviral drugs according to indications and 2. inpatients, there will be 2 cases, divided into treatment in Sanam Hospital/Hospitel yellow group of patients that requires more care and patients in primary hospitals need oxygen machines ventilator and have a close doctor will be based on the treatment guidelines issued by the Medical Department Ministry of Health together with the discretion of the treating physician to screen for initial symptoms such as shortness of breath, shortness of breath, chest tightness, to measure blood oxygen levels

“The key is to reduce the rate of infection. because if infected hundreds of thousands The more severe the patient, the more severe the symptoms will be. Antiviral drugs, if given early, will greatly reduce the chance of severe symptoms,” said Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thana.

for pregnant women can use HI treatment, which will have a doctor to monitor the symptoms If the symptoms are increased, they will be admitted to the hospital immediately. The general principles are the same as the treatment of 608 patients, but there is a limitation on the use of antiviral drugs. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the drug is prohibited. But in the 3rd and 4th quarter onwards, the risks and benefits will be weighed. The antiviral medication given must be adjusted according to body weight. Ready to see the safety because they may not be able to use every drug like an adult

“For the question of whether the symptoms of COVID in the lungs are coughing a lot, coughing continuously, feeling sick in the chest. have shortness of breath to suspect that there was co-morbid pneumonia, which required hospitalization But we have to use more diagnostics. Because sometimes a small point May not affect patients with healthy lungs. However, the amount of lung tissue destroyed after infection varies with the symptoms of Long coronavirus. that makes you tired after the infection heals This group takes months to years. to restore the lungs Or consult a doctor to use the therapy using breathing exercises,” said Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thana.

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