Doctors talk about the connection between snoring and apnea with a severe course of coronavirus | News | News

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People who suffer from snoring and sleep apnea (pauses in breathing during sleep) are more likely to get severe coronavirus. On Tuesday, November 23, URA.RU was told about this by a neurologist-somnologist Elena Tsareva.

“As a rule, patients who have respiratory arrest during sleep are more likely to suffer from severe forms of coronavirus. The fact is that coronavirus directly affecting the lungs is a risk factor for worsening respiratory arrest during sleep. And with apnea, oxygen drops, and with coronavirus, oxygen drops. We treat such patients with special attention, ”the specialist explained.

Somnologist Mikhail Poluektov, head of the sleep medicine department at Sechenov University, agreed with her, adding that people who suffer from respiratory arrest during sleep are more susceptible to the severe course of COVID-19.

“The coronavirus by itself does not make apnea worse, because apnea is an upper airway problem. Coronavirus is a lower respiratory problem. But if a person had apnea before falling ill with coronavirus, then it has indeed been proven that these people are harder to tolerate coronavirus, ”he stressed.

Earlier on November 23, virologist Sergei Netesov named signs of complete recovery from the coronavirus. He noted that a PCR sample taken from the nasopharynx determines the presence of a virus in the nasopharynx. As you know, the virus leaves the nasopharynx rather quickly: it can go into the lungs, into the blood, into the intestines.

Thus, a PCR test for COVID-19 does not always give an accurate result, since the pathogen may already be in another place in the body.

For this reason, Netesov pointed out, one negative result of a PCR test cannot be considered a complete guarantee of recovery. According to the specialist, to make sure that the pathogen is completely absent in the body, it is better to repeat the analysis after a while, and donate blood for additional peace of mind.

An antibody test is another test that can confirm the absence of coronavirus particles in the body.

Against the background of a worsening epidemiological situation, the Russian authorities are urging residents of the country to get vaccinated in order to protect their health and take care of their loved ones. Citizens are vaccinated for free. Five vaccines against coronavirus have been registered in the country: Sputnik V, which became the first vaccine against COVID-19 in the Russian Federation and the world, as well as Sputnik Light, EpiVacCorona, EpiVacCorona-N and KoviVak.

All relevant information on the situation with the coronavirus is available on the websites of stopcoronavirus.rf and accessvsem.rf, as well as by the hashtag #WeV Together. Coronavirus hotline: 8 (800) 2000-112.

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