Doctors – The “voice” passes: This is how singer Shlomit Aharon survived the loss of her voice before a performance

by time news

Shlomit Aharon is a well-known and esteemed singer, who has been used to performing in front of an audience for years. About a year ago she got up in the morning and found out she had lost her voice. Since she was scheduled to appear in front of an audience that evening, Aaron sought a quick solution to her problem and turned to Dr. Margarita Wolich, an ENT specialist who specializes in phoniatrics (von = voice, atria = treatment) and treats voice and hoarseness problems. To Aaron’s much surprise, already. After a short local treatment her voice returned to her and she was able to appear as planned.

Aaron’s case is no stranger to Dr. Woolich. For many years she has cared for singers, cantors (David Weinbach for example), teachers and anyone whose voice is used for his daily work. “Our vocal cords are an organ used by us to produce sound. “The sound that emanates from the throat and its intensity, is derived not only from the strings, but also from the condition of the sinuses and lungs as well as from the structure of our nose and pharynx,” she explains.

What actually causes voice problems?

“In general, the causes can be divided into organic and functional. The organic causes include problems such as warts, polyps, tumors or granulomas (a kind of bumps). Allergy conditions, laryngitis, reflux and smoking are also symptoms that can definitely affect the voice.

“On the other hand, functional problems occur when the vocal cords are used incorrectly – when singing or speaking incorrectly. Sometimes, such a phenomenon can cause a slight swelling of the string that actually causes hoarseness or an unclear sound. “The voice, and in singers and actors the closure has to be really precise. Sometimes even a slight invisible problem can cause a change in the voice, and usually only a very skilled doctor will know how to detect such a condition.”

How is the diagnosis made?

“During the diagnosis, an optical fiber is inserted through the nose, with a tiny camera at the end. At this point, the patient is asked to speak or sing loudly at different heights, so that you can see where and when a problem occurs.”

What does treatment of such a condition involve?

“In general, treatment depends on the type of problem. If it is a reflux condition, for example, I usually refer to a gastroenterologist for appropriate treatment,” explains Dr. Woolich. For voice development. When it comes to cases that require immediate treatment, as happened in the case of Shlomit Aharon, the method I work with involves local medication, which helps shrink the area and reduces congestion. This actually allows for proper closure of the strings and patients can return to using sound as usual. Of course, when there is a suspicion of a tumor, God forbid, we send the patient for a biopsy and further investigation. “

Hoarseness, change in voice or loss of voice, are common symptoms that characterize people who make extensive use of speech or singing – such as male and female singers, teachers and cantors. “It is important to understand,” Dr. Wallach concludes, “that such a condition can be caused by various causes, so it is important to diagnose and treat it according to the type of problem. “Often, people who suffer from the problem do not understand what causes it, and in such a case, it is worth contacting a phoniatrics specialist who knows how to perform a comprehensive and accurate diagnosis and also offer immediate and effective treatment when needed.”

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