Doctors – to hear and speak – why is it important to perform hearing tests in childhood and in old age?

by time news

Mohammad Asli is a speech therapist with more than 11 years of experience in the field of hearing tests and hearing aid adjustments. About a year ago, Harish together with his partner Mordechai Burnez opened the “Hear and Talk” institute. The institute performs hearing tests and tympanometry for all ages, both privately and in agreement with all health insurance funds, and fits hearing aids for children and adults from the leading companies – Oticon from Denmark and Funk from Switzerland.

When should children have a hearing test?

“The first hearing test that a child undergoes is performed a day after birth. The next routine hearing test will be performed in the first year of school. But in between, a hearing impairment may appear and it is difficult to distinguish it,” explains Asli and adds: “It is very important to take care of children with hearing impairment, because the treatment is neglected may lead to developmental delays and educational and social deficiencies.”

Asli describes some behaviors in children that may indicate a decrease in hearing or a hearing disability: when a child does not listen (assuming that a behavioral problem is ruled out); When a child asks us to repeat our words again and again; when a child tries to read lips when spoken to; When a child increases the volume or gets very close to the source of the sound; When a child speaks in an unintelligible way and when there are recurring infections or earaches.

Hearing test for children. Photo: Shutterstock

What does the hearing test include?

“In order to perform a hearing test from the age of one to the age of five, two speech therapists are needed, with one testing the hearing and the other playing with the child in the sealed chamber. The test tests frequencies from 250-8,000 Hz and lasts up to half an hour. In addition, there are tympanometry tests at the institute Examination of fluids in the middle ear or infections of the eardrum, on the recommendation of an A.G. doctor.

How are children’s hearing aids fitted?

Asli explains that up to the age of 18, a private hearing test can be done at the institute. In the event that a hearing problem is discovered, a referral is made to the ENT doctor, who approves and recommends hearing aids, and the child returns to the institute for the fitting of a hearing aid. “Until the age of 18, hearing aids are fully subsidized by the Ministry of Health. In addition, a system is provided FM which transmits the voice of the kindergarten teacher or teacher to the child’s hearing aid.”

How is the fitting of hearing aids done for adults?

“According to the condition of the hearing and the recommendation of the A.G. doctor. In addition, we find out with the patient what his needs are, what he does and what his routine daily activity is in order to make an optimal adjustment of the hearing aid. There is a variety of hearing aids in different quality levels. There is, for example, a device that is worn over the entire ear or a device that is placed inside the ear. Today, behind-the-ear devices are preferred because they are more aesthetic and comfortable.”

Hearing Aid

Hearing tests. Illustration: Shutterstock

According to Esli, in each of the health funds a trial period is given in order to check the suitability of the hearing aid, but the process for receiving the hearing aids and subsidy differs from fund to fund:

In the general KOPH – An AEG doctor sends the patient for a hearing test at one of the institutes working in collaboration with Klalit. In the case of hearing loss, the patient returns to the AEG doctor and he recommends a hearing aid. The HMO issues a certificate with a stamp that the patient receives a hearing aid and the subsidy provided by it is up to NIS 8,358. The difference is paid by the patient.

BMaccabi The process for fitting a hearing aid is similar to that in general, with the exception of the approval provided by the health insurance fund. “After we fit hearing aids, we declare this in Maccabi’s system and thus a notification is given that the patient has started using the device. After a month of trial, the patient can purchase the device.”

Bnationally, “In most cases, it is not possible to conduct the hearing test and the fitting of hearing aids at the same institute, with the exception of a few institutes, among them the ‘Hearing and Speaking Institute’. In addition, the patient should bring a commitment form (Form 17) so that we can order the designated instrument for him.”

Bunited – The initial process is the same as the other funds, a hearing test is done at the institute and fitting of hearing aids after submitting a commitment form for the supply of the device.

Untreated hearing loss can lead to depression and dementia

Asli adds that “although a hearing aid is a foreign body, its importance is very high because it improves the patient’s quality of life. It allows the hearing system to work and not degenerate. According to him, studies indicate that hearing loss can cause depression and even dementia. A hearing aid provides quality of life and the ability to communicate with society, therefore it is very important to conduct hearing tests in order to detect deficiencies and decreases in hearing at any age, and if necessary to fit a hearing aid.”

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