doctors “wait to see” how Emmanuel Macron’s commitment will be declined

by time news

2023-04-17 23:42:18

Some welcome the posting of a deadline; others see it as an admission of powerlessness. Among the emergency physicians, Monday evening April 17, the objective that Emmanuel Macron has set for himself to have “disencumbered” all emergency services “by the end of next year” – in other words, between now and December 2024 – has aroused first contrasting reactions while almost everywhere in the territory, from Bordeaux to Metz via Grenoble, tensions are constantly being felt in these frontline services at the hospital.

« How do you want to change thirty years of public service damage in twenty months, without changing policy? “, reacted, skeptical, Patrick Pelloux, of the Association of emergency physicians of France.

The emergency services are at the heart of the difficulties that the hospital has been facing for years. It is from there that, in 2019, an unprecedented movement of mobilization of caregivers started to denounce the working conditions and the endangerment of patients, which only the Covid-19 health crisis interrupted. Already at the time, a “refoundation pact” was triggered by Agnès Buzyn, the former Minister of Health, to try to answer it.

“A descent into hell”

Three years later, it was still against the background of the emergency room crisis that François Braun was appointed to the Ministry of Health, in July 2022. The first project of the professional emergency doctor consisted of implementing the measures of a mission « flash » which he himself directed, a few months earlier, to get through the summer period which saw the number of services closed soar. Among other solutions, the minister defends regulation at the entrance to emergencies via calls to the SAMU and the upgrading of night work. Measures announced as temporary, which have since been extended.

Without for the moment that this does not really change the situation. ” We have the impression of a descent into hell, in indifferencereports the president of the SAMU-Urgences de France union, Marc Noizet. Patients are piling up in our services in all hospitals now, closings continue, the situation is deteriorating at high speed, emergency workers are leaving, nurses too… »

The census of stagnant stretchers in the corridors carried out by his union – the #Nobedchallenge – was followed by that of “unexpected” deaths – without being able to be taken care of properly. Since April 3, the entry into force of the cap on medical interim rates has not failed to add additional pressure on already overstretched human resources.

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