Doctors warn of severe norovirus outbreak, pointing to washing hands with soap only

by time news
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Doctors warn of norovirus outbreak, pointing out that washing hands with alcohol doesn’t work only need soap

On February 27, 2023, Dr. Jiraruj Chomchey, a pediatric specialist Respiratory disease and critical care Pediatrics Division Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Post a message via Facebook, stating that now both child patients have been found. Almost every age, many people are sick with symptoms. “Vomiting-severe diarrhea” in Muang Nakhon Ratchasima District (but the neighboring provinces have already been hit hard), which is characterized by fever and infection with “Norovirus” (Norovirus).

This infection is transmitted by touching things. food contaminated by this virus Even though the amount of infection is not much but can cause especially severe symptoms Children under 1 year old may suffer from severe dehydration due to inability to eat due to vomiting. The main symptom is vomiting, diarrhea, fever (may be absent) no later than 24 hours after exposure to the infection. Vomiting symptoms are very severe during the first 24 hours, followed by symptoms of watery diarrhea without mucus or blood. n

Older children, elementary school age, may recover in 2-3 days, while small children sometimes disappear completely, it may take 3-4 days.

Treatment is symptomatic treatment. give medication to reduce vomiting Give ORS rehydration solution in inedible patients. Intravenous fluids may be given.

Schools known to have sick children With such symptoms, many people Classroom equipment should be cleaned by washing with sodium hypochlorite disinfectant or our home Haiter solution.

Important note >> All forms of 70% alcohol cannot kill this virus, therefore, alcohol is ineffective. Hands must be washed with soap only. As for those whose children are sick The caregiver must wash his hands often with soap.

Child’s pampers with feces There will be a large amount of infection Before disposing of public garbage, should be put in a bag and pour Haiter detergent. down about a 1/2 the lid and close the bag tightly. The sodium hypochlorite will help destroy the virus. Help reduce public spread. Through the staff who come to collect the garbage.

The situation is likely to get heavier and heavier because many schools seem to not know yet. still open for classes as usual Even though there should be a halt to clean up in the outbreak. because otherwise The infection will continue to cycle.

May everyone be safe from This situation

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