Doctors who prescribed early treatment summoned by the College of Physicians

by time news

Hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, azithromycin… scientists have been trying since the start of the Covid-19 crisis to make known the effectiveness of these early treatments against the virus. Recently, liberal doctors who prescribed these drugs received a summons from their departmental council of the College of Physicians. Questioning their prescription decision, the organization provides nothing less than disciplinary advice. The beginning of a new “large-scale witch hunt”, estimates the general practitioner, Grégory Pamart, still suspended since September 15 following his refusal to receive the vaccination against Covid-19.

See also: “No more doctor in Jenlain: suspended, doctor Pamart resists”.

Reached by telephone, he expressed his concern for his liberal colleagues still in office: “ I know this from inside sources. Until then, Social Security reported doctors on a case-by-case basis. From now on, all the doctors who have prescribed can be worried. This is the first time I see this. […] What will happen is a fraternal discussion: the case is presented to the council, and then we do not know the outcome yet, but there may be threats of prosecution. ».

Indeed, health insurance funds, one of the branches of Social Security, can have access to the prescription history of private doctors, pharmacies entering the health insurance number of the prescriber associated with the prescription. Previously, they transmitted on a case-by-case basis prescriptions deemed doubtful. It’s from the past. According to the doctor from the North, they now provide data on a larger scale to departmental councils.

Thanks to these lists, the College of Physicians can know the number of times a medicine has been prescribed by the same doctor over the past two years.

One more regret for Grégory Pamart who was already indignant, in an open letter, about the use of patient data for political control purposes: “ I do not accept, either, that our health data be collected in large national files and used by the administrative authorities to sanction those whom the political authority has deemed undesirable. »

During our interview, Dr. Grégory Pamart shared with us the summons letter from one of his colleagues summoned by the Nord departmental council of the College of Physicians, whose name and contact details he has anonymized. The organization mentions having received a ” reporting “challenging the” medical prescriptions made in the context of Covid-19 by the doctor in question.

In a video uploaded to Twitter on Thursday July 16, Dr Grégory Pamart reiterated his warning about the summons case:

Are these treatments prohibited?

The products in question such as hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin or even azithromycin lost their marketing authorization (MA) during the Covid-19 crisis. You should know that this does not represent a formal prohibition. Indeed, even off-label, a doctor can take responsibility for prescribing a medicine if he considers that it can benefit the patient. Off-label prescriptions are a well-known practice. The National Order of Physicians in its relative practical sheet on the subject specifies that 20% of ” all the prescriptions are made off-label (one in five prescriptions).

« It’s national, it’s not a departmental problem. It’s national “, insists Grégory Pamart, who protests to note that such sanction measures, in violation of the freedom of medical prescription, had never been adopted before, even at the time of pharmaceutical scandals like that of the court case and health of the Mediator: ” Even for the Mediator at the time, doctors who had prescribed off-label were cleared. These are the laboratories that have been worried by the prescribing doctors “recalls the doctor.

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