Documentaries, the true story of the Rolling Stones with Brian Jones –

by time news

2023-07-12 20:44:13

by Maria Volpe

At the «Visioni dal Mondo» International Documentary Festival, from 14 to 17 September in Milan, 38 international previews. Maurizio Nichetti artistic director

Documentaries are an increasingly popular and increasingly evolving film genre thanks also to the «Visioni dal Mondo» International Documentary Festival, now in its ninth and increasingly fertile edition, which takes place as always in Milan, this year from 14 to 17 September. The appointment is conceived and chaired by Francesco Bizzarri, and provides for the artistic direction of Maurizio Nichetti, director, screenwriter, actor and producer. Who comments: «To select the 38 documentaries, I had to watch around 150 foreign and 100 Italian documentary films. How to choose among the many proposals? Only our intelligence can guide us in the choice».

A rich program that includes many national and international previews, workshops, events. The two juries, one national and one international (there is also Nicolò Bongiorno, appreciated director and producer, as well as son of the great Mike) will have the task of selecting the works. President Bizzarri comments: «There are many topical themes in the films in competition, from war to new technologies, from the regimes of Iran and Iraq to biographies. Like Meneghin. Story of the greatest Italian basketball player of all time on the great basketball champion. Or like The Stones and Brian Jones about the most famous rock band in the world». The document on the Rolling Stones is the opening film, signed by director Nick Broomfield and tells the life of Brian Jones, founder of the band, kicked out for internal quarrels and died of drugs at the age of only 27. A special event that highlights the creative genius of Jones, who despite his abilities has always been in the shadows.

The Festival — which takes place in three iconic places in Milan: the Litta Theater, the Leonardo da Vinci National Museum of Science and Technology, the Milano Arlecchino Film Library — can also be followed on the website through the web rooms of the streaming platform Italian MYmovies. For those who can, it will be very interesting to be able to see some new documentaries – at the Museum of Science and Technology – with the virtual player where it will seem to be immersed in the film. As for Artificial Intelligence «which will also change our way of producing cinema» (explain Bizzarri and Nichetti), the first large round table on the subject was organized by Cinzia Masotina, from various points of view, technical, political, legal, artistic , «because we shouldn’t be afraid of AI it shouldn’t catch us unprepared».

The special guest of the Festival is the director Roberto Andò: a meeting with him is scheduled, who will also receive the Visioni dal Mondo 2023 Lifetime Achievement Award. The Festival, financed by public and private funds, with the support of the municipality of Milan (at the presentation yesterday, there was the Councilor for Culture, Tommaso Sacchi), this year has a very intense title: «Listening with your eyes». The president explains: «An invitation to tune the mind, eyes and heart to live intensely. Because a true observer is the one who also listens through the eyes»

July 12, 2023 (change July 12, 2023 | 20:43)

#Documentaries #true #story #Rolling #Stones #Brian #Jones

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