Documentation from the tunnels, skimmers, snipers and shooting order

by time news

The Al-Jazeera satellite channel last night (Friday) published an episode called “The Heart of the Equation” as part of the program “What is Hidden Greater” (The Hidden Rabbi over the Visible) which revealed various Hamas events and secrets from the battle for the “Jerusalem Sword” .

In the episode that was presented, the program revealed details that were first presented about the “achievements of the Palestinian resistance” during the “Wall Guard” operation that took place last year, in May 2021.

Khan Yunis residents watch “What Hides Greater” program

First, al-Qassam Brigades, Qassam’s military arm, revealed that the latest attack at the end of the war included 362 missiles fired at 14 cities, including Haifa, Tel Aviv, Dimona and Eilat.

362 missiles were fired at 14 cities at the end of Operation Wall Guard

Photo: From the broadcast of the program “What Hides Greater” on the Al-Jazeera network

Muhammad Sinwar, the brother of the Hamas leader in Gaza and a senior commander in Hamas’ military wing, spoke on the show in his first media appearance, saying: “When we warn of the occupation, every letter and word has meaning and actions on the ground. .

Sinwar revealed that at the beginning of Operation Wall Guard, Hamas tried to kidnap a soldier in order to reach a POW deal with Israel.

He added that “the order to carry out a kidnapping operation was handed over to the field activists a few days before the start of the war” and emphasized that “the operation reached advanced stages but the operation was thwarted by Israel and 18 resistance fighters were eliminated during the attempt to carry it out.”

Regarding the moment of the opening firing on Jerusalem that led to Operation Wall Guard, Sinwar said that Abu Khaled al-Daif (Muhammad Daf) called the launchers on the ground several times to confirm the firing of the missiles at Jerusalem and reiterated that the missiles were launched at exactly 6 p.m. “00 – Hamas’ latest warning issued an ultimatum.”

Photo: From the broadcast of the program “What Hides Greater” on the Al-Jazeera network

Sinwar also referred to the shooting that extended to the Tel Aviv area and said: “We landed the biggest blow in the war on hitting Tel Aviv with hundreds of missiles, and broke the prestige of the center of the country and the printing press among the Saif al-Quds.”

The plan claimed by Hamas that the organization’s intelligence had succeeded in exposing Israel’s “fraud plan” that was supposed to end Operation Wall Guard. According to the plan, Israel planned to make a false ground entry into the Gaza Strip in order to get Hamas terrorists to enter the tunnels and then land bunker-penetrating missiles that would bury the terrorists under the rubble – the target was hundreds of Hamas terrorists killed.

Sinwar referred to Israel’s “fraud plan” and said that “none of our resistance fighters were harmed in the plan, despite the tons of explosives that Israel firmly dropped.”

Sinwar described in an interview the organization’s conduct during the fighting days and explained about the joint infantry: “The common security room of the resistance axis was in operation throughout the war. “The Knesset made important intelligence contributions throughout the battle. The room included intelligence officers from Hamas, Lebanese Hezbollah and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards.”

The program revealed a number of documents released for the first time since Operation Wall Guard, including the deliberate firing of Hamas snipers at the IDF monitoring and surveillance system on the Gaza border that they claimed had taken it out of service. .

Hamas snipers attack the IDF’s monitoring and surveillance system

Launching skimmers documenting military vehicles along the border with the Gaza Strip

Documentation from the Hamas tunnel during Operation Wall Guard

IDF soldiers lie on the ground while firing missiles from Gaza

In addition, documentation of Prof. Jamal al-Zabada and his son Osama was revealed during Hamas missile tests. The two were responsible for developing the capabilities of the missiles as well as manufacturing, accuracy and improving the launch range. In Operation Guardian of the Walls, the IDF eliminated the two together.

Prof. Jamal al-Zabada with his son Osama during a Hamas missile test

Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum referred to the episode and said that “the program broadcast on Al-Jazeera channel revealed the military capabilities of the al-Qassam Brigades, and the conduct of the Saif al-Quds battle. This is a clear message to the Israeli occupation that reflects its deterrence strategy And its supreme ability to resolve and win in any future battle against the enemy. “

Hamas Politburo member Salah al-Bradville said that “if the occupation tries to keep burying its head in the sand to satisfy the vanity of its stray herds at the expense of our people, it will find itself after hours biting its fingers and regretting the bad news it has brought upon itself.”

The full broadcast in Al-Jazeera

It should be estimated that the timing of last night’s broadcast of the program is not accidental and was done deliberately ahead of the flag parade that will be held this coming Sunday in Jerusalem and will pass through the Nablus Gate and the Muslim Quarter in the city.

Despite the threats and incitement of the Palestinians against the holding of the flags parade, Defense Minister Bnei Gantz emphasized that the march will take place as a series and according to the regular outline that has been in place for many years. “We are allowed and can do in our capital city whatever march we want, will not threaten our sovereignty. The reality of Jerusalem is always sensitive, and I call for avoiding any provocation along the way. We have no intention of violating any status quo on the Temple Mount, police there to prevent people from joining and creating friction giving directions”. Said the defense minister.

He added that “Hamas will not threaten our sovereignty. Last year Hamas decided to fire rockets at what started the wall guard, an operation he regrets happened and I guess this time he will be wise enough to avoid it.”

Tomorrow, as stated, the flag parade is expected to take place in Jerusalem and it is very possible that this will be a difficult day for the security forces who will try to keep the parade as planned without any provocations.

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