Does creatine really make you fat? we dismantle the myth

by time news

2023-06-21 08:57:07

Does creatine make you fat? This question has generated controversy in the world of fitness and sports nutrition. In this post, we debunk its myths and analyze the true effects of creatine on weight gain.

Creatine can increase muscle mass, but there is no evidence nor is it related to the increase in body fat.Some people may experience a increase in body weight due to intramuscular fluid retentionthis increase is temporary and resolves rapidly after stopping creatine supplementation. It is important to note that any changes in body weight should be assessed in the context of a comprehensive assessment of body composition.

How creatine influences the development of body mass

Is it true that creatine makes you fat or is it a myth? Below we explain the different ways in which creatine can influence body weight.

Fluid retention

One of the effects that is commonly associated with creatine is the fluid retention. Although this phenomenon may be concerning to some consumers, in reality It is a natural and necessary process for the optimal functioning of the body.

When creatine is consumed, it is converted to phosphocreatine and stored in muscle cells. Phosphocreatine draws water into cells, causing cell expansion. This process is known as “cell volumization.”

It is important to note that the fluid retention that occurs with creatine use is confined primarily to the muscles (intramuscularly not subcutaneously), and is not observed in other body tissues.

Increased muscle mass

When creatine is consumed, it increases energy availability to muscleswhat they allows you to work harder. As a result, greater volume can be achieved after a training session, which in turn can contribute to increase protein synthesis and muscle growth.

It is important to note that the increase in muscle mass that occurs with creatine is not related to an increase in body fat. In fact, several studies have shown that creatine supplementation can lead to a decrease in body fat in some individuals.

Although some users may experience an increase in body weight due to intramuscular fluid retention, this increase is temporary and resolves rapidly after stopping creatine supplementation.

So does creatine really increase body fat?

No. Recent studies have shown that effects on weight are only related to fluid retention and muscle development.

Fluid retention can cause a temporary increase in weight for some people, but it is It is important to clarify that this increase does not correspond to an increase in body fatbut it is related to fluid retention.

This can be especially worrisome for those looking to lose weight or define their muscles. In these cases, it is recommended adjust the dose and time of use of creatine.

Likewise, the growth of muscle mass can contribute to weight gain, but it should be noted that this type of increase is due to muscle and not fat.

In conclusion, although taking creatine can cause an increase in body weight, does not cause an increase in fat in the body, thus refuting the idea that creatine “makes you fat”.

Can I take creatine if I want to define?

Not only can you do it, but you it is recommended. During the cutting phase, caloric restriction could affect your performance. This is where creatine comes into play, allowing you to train more effectively.

On the other hand, from an aesthetic point of view, during the definition phase you tend to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates, which can affect the muscular appearance you want. Hence, continuing your creatine intake can help you maintain a fuller, more defined muscular appearanceeven with a low carbohydrate intake.

Recommendations for proper use of creatine

To take full advantage of the benefits of creatine supplementation, it is essential to follow recommendations based on science and adapted to the exercise we perform.

Maintain adequate hydration, especially if you are training, it is essential to avoid possible side effects, such as muscle cramps or dehydration. Make sure you drink enough water throughout the day, especially before, during and after exercise.Maintain a balanced diet it is key to supporting the muscle growth process and ensuring that your body has the necessary nutrients for optimal performance. Include supplements high in high quality protein, complex carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals in your diet.

Other supplements to increase muscle mass without gaining weight

At HSN we have several available supplements that can help increase muscle mass without contributing to the increase in body fat. We leave you some supplements that may be useful in this regard:

Bibliographic Sources

Kreider, R.B. (2003). Effects of creatine supplementation on performance and training adaptations. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 244(1-2), 89-94., T.W., et al. (2007). International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: creatine supplementation and exercise. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 4, 6. Loon, L.J., et al. (2003). The effects of increasing exercise intensity on muscle fuel utilisation in humans. The Journal of Physiology, 536(Pt 1), 295-304.

Does the weight increase? – 100%

Creatine to define – 100%

#creatine #fat #dismantle #myth

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