Does scabies spread from humans to animals (and vice versa)?

by time news

2023-06-02 00:50:01

Mange is a disease that we have always seen affecting animals. A disease that dogs have suffered especially, and that is incredibly contagious.

Surely you remember your parents or a relative telling you not to touch the dog so as not to get infected. What is true in here? Can scabies pass from animals to humans? Let’s see in detail if scabies is contagious between species and we can get infected from an animal.

How scabies is transmitted To begin with, it is important to bear in mind that this disease is caused by mites. These are small life forms, called arthropods, that we cannot see with the naked eye. Mites are present in many places, especially in tissues, but not all transmit the disease.

The mites that can transmit scabies to humans are Sarcoptes scabiei. For this reason scabies is known as Scabiosisand affects the skin of the mammals it attacks.

This arthropod can be easily found in fabrics, so it is very common to find large numbers of mites in sheets, t-shirts, and mattress fabrics, especially when they have not been properly cleaned.

We can see Sarcoptes scabiei in tissues that have come into contact with animals infected with scabies. They easily jump from infected skin onto tissues and porous surfaces. Being invisible to the human eye, it is difficult to tell if something has come into contact with an infected animal and may contain these mites.

Whenever you have an animal infected with scabies, it is mandatory to carry out a thorough cleaning. Do not skimp on cleaning products and disinfect everything that may have come into contact with it if you want to avoid a possible spread of human scabies.

It’s important to put attention on scabies is not usually transmitted to healthy skin. When you expose skin that is not in its best condition, is infected or has wounds, it is when you have the most chances of contracting human scabies from an infected animal or another, either by direct or indirect contact.

How scabies in humans is treated Scabies in humans is treated with topical or oral medications. The topical treatments they include creams and lotions that are applied to the skin to kill mites and relieve symptoms. Oral treatments include oral medications that kill the mites and prevent reinfestation.

When taking medications by mouth, it is important to follow your doctor’s instructions and complete the full course to prevent recurrence of the disease. In case of interrupting the medication or following it incorrectly, it can prevent the disease from being completely eliminated, and relapse into the symptoms of scabies.

The treatments that are used to cure human scabies they usually wear:

sulfur cream: It is usually applied at night, before sleeping, and rinsed. It is used for several consecutive nights and is a safe medication for pregnant women and young children.
Ivermectin: an oral remedy in pill form that is more intense than creams and is not recommended for pregnant women, lactating women, or children under 15 kilos.
Permethrin Cream: This product is responsible for killing mites and eggs that can lay on our skin. It is a safe product for adults, children under 2 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.

Conclusion In conclusion, mange from animals can be passed to humans through direct contact with infected skin or with objects that have been in contact with infected skin. It is important to avoid direct contact with infected animals and to maintain good hygiene to prevent transmission of the disease. If scabies symptoms develop, it is important to seek medical attention to receive a proper diagnosis and treatment.


This information should never replace the opinion of a doctor. If in doubt, consult professionals.

#scabies #spread #humans #animals #vice #versa

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