Does that sound like Lipa Schmelzer with sedative pills?

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The singer and creator Barry WeberLaunched his new album – “Victim”, this is Weber’s fourth original studio album establishing himself as one of the most creative and interesting Hassidic singers.

Weber, is an energetic Chassidic singer, who does not hesitate to create kicking electronic music like the song that opens the album in his melody and lyrics by Barry – “Will Burano”, along with authentic Chassidic music, like the song “It’s my uncle” to the tune of Lipa Schmelzer And in the adaptation of Mona Rosenblum was appointed Comic style with touches of Greek bazooka.

Do not miss the theme song of the album “Victim”, composed by Hershey Weinberger An exciting and beautiful authentic Hasidic song. Weber sings with great emotion and shows his high emotional abilities. The processing of Naftali Schnitzler, Schweber grew up under his auspices, exciting and accurate to sing. Weber dedicates the song to his fellow singer Shragi Gestettner The late who was killed in the Meron disaster.

One of the most beautiful songs on the album is “At Any Time” to the tune of Hershey WeinbergerA solo-style song, arranged by Arched necklace. Weber loves the “black” singing that suits his voice very well and the song is just fun to listen to. Also pay attention to the song “Abisal”, a Yiddish pop song he composed and arranged Moshe Klein With a fun passage segment composed by Lipa Schmelzer.

The album also includes two songs in Hebrew, with inconceivable gaps. One is an excellent song, at a high level of writing – “Where is everyone”, which he wrote Faithful pine And composed Yossi Green With fine processing of David Ichilevich. The song talks about the continuation of the generations after the Holocaust, in an exciting and touching way. On the other hand, there is the song “Happy holiday”, an electronic energetic song they wrote Israeli gunfire, Yahli Abrahamson, David Gindis And composed in the cities itself, when the adaptation of Moishe Klein. Textually, this is a real attack. Lyrics at the level of Ganun, even before age 3. I have seen some bad songs in recent years, but this song gives a serious fight in the nomination for the title of “The Shallowest Song”. It is not clear what Weber thought when choosing this song, and he is a masterpiece of fad when it comes to choosing songs in Hebrew by American singers.

The album is stamped by a long work in Yiddish (7:37) – “Od Yosef Chai” which he wrote and composed Moti Ilovitch And processed Hershey Ginsberg. The song is about the righteous Joseph and his life. Weber performs the song with great emotion and it is an interesting choice to end the album.

In conclusion, Weber’s “victim” is an album full of different energies and styles, Weber is a great singer who is always fun to hear, even in the dumbest song on the album he definitely still danced and bounced me. Some would define Weber as “Lipa Schmelzer with tranquilizers”, both talent bombs, with great abilities and originality, and with a slightly more precise song selection it can be just perfect.

And for the corner of your favorite songs, surfers:

in the first place: Wonder Children Elijah andMeir Elbaz In a single in honor of Rabbi Reuven Elbaz

In second place: Singer Eli Cohen With the single he composed in memory of Rabbi Uri Zohar – “I will go your way”

In third place: Band “The friends from the Jaffa Gate” With the new single – “Ahalla”

  • For enlightening comments and recommendations for a vocal that does not hurt the ear: [email protected]

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