Does the price of food increase with the war in Ukraine? Beware of scams

by time news

Are the prices of wheat, corn and fruit rising? Here’s what to do

ADUC (User and Consumer Rights Association) calls for attention to be paid to a particular aspect of the consequences of the war in Ukraine: “The Russian invasion has repercussions on all prices, both wholesale and retail. There is nothing more to add to what is underway for energy prices. , with the government measures that have just been approved and with the many doubts raised by various parties and Germany that has blocked the Russian Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. understand for themselves that blocking road mobility only serves to exacerbate the situation of consumers because it is already explosive in itself (even worse than a strike) that they do not transport goods. With the ‘novelty’ of the war it is highly probable that different prices, although not directly involved in the invasion, will skyrocket: at the consumer’s request, the retailer is likely to reply ‘it’s the war’ … even if they are the oranges that come from Sicily or the wheat that comes from Canada. In such situations, the crafty and the scoundrels don’t give up, but they improve themselves. “

How to prevent price scams – Aduc indications:

– do not passively accept the increase of a product or service, do not resign to the explanations of the retailer and check in other shops, reporting everywhere, even on the media and social networks, what is happening, so as to punish profit with the main weapon of the consumer : the non-purchase!

– check, especially in large-scale distribution, if unfair commercial practices occur (for example: guaranteed prices blocked for a certain amount of time which instead change). Unfair commercial practices also for possible price signs: increases at the same time of the same products even in different chains. And consequently report to the Antitrust and report publicly.

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