Does the public support the signing of the maritime agreement during an election period?

by time news

Against the background of the planned signing of the gas agreement with Lebanon, a Channel 12 survey revealed this evening (Friday) whether the general public supports the maritime agreement, and whether it was right to sign it during an election period. In addition, the survey also examined what the prime minister’s main motives were, Yair Lapidand the head of the opposition, Benjamin Netanyahuto support or oppose the agreement.

The first question posed by the survey is whether it was right to sign the gas agreement during an election period. The results of the survey showed that 47% of the public supports signing the agreement during this period as well, while 36% answered in the negative. Also, 17% answered that they do not know. In addition, the survey also asked what were Prime Minister Lapid’s main motives in deciding to reach the gas agreement. The results of the survey show that 47% think that the motives were political, compared to 41% who think that the motives were out of concern for the security and economy of the State of Israel. 12% answered that they do not know.

Also, against the background of Netanyahu’s opposition to the agreement and the harsh criticism against Lapid, the survey also asked what the opposition leader’s motives were in the fight against the gas agreement. The results of the survey showed that 57% answered that the motives were political, compared to 31% who answered that the motives came out of concern for Israel’s security and economy. 12% answered that they do not know.

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