Dogs and indication – Obelisk

by time news

2023-08-17 18:16:30

August 17, 2023

Baghdad / Obelisk event:

Hussein the male

Although the most egregious thing that an oriental man is insulted with – especially – is that he is described as a dog.. However, much of what I read about the stories of Al-Wafaa Al-Kalbi is not correct to be important life lessons for Wafaa that are not in the manner of the philosopher Bidba (the Indian) and what was translated by the writer Abdullah Al-Muqaffa ( Al-Farsi) in Kalila wa Dimna, the most famous throughout the literary history of the Arabs, even though the author is Indian and the translator is Persian, and this is one of the contradictions in the history of the Arabs.. Indeed, some real stories that are proven and referred to publicly in international cities have erected statues of loyalty to the dog, especially what was seen of a statue in which a dog appeared. He kept waiting for his owner at a train station, and he used to take him and wait for him there until he returned… And when the man died in an accident, the dog did not leave that station until he died there..

I was listening to a side conversation between two men who seemed to be the owners of a business and earning place, in which they exchanged this dialogue:

–: (I am tired of the tenants, each of whom is rented for a month or two, and leaves either not paying the rent, or destroying the shop, or stealing some fixed materials from it, such as electric lamps, some of their points, and fans..).
–: (Brother, my ordeal is an ordeal… I have always hired workers in my shop, and it turns out that most of them do not advise: either he is inexperienced or ignorant of his abuse and causes huge problems and losses, or he is dishonest and extends his hand to steal several times… or he treats customers roughly and loses us a lot.. Or he is busy with Facebook at the expense of work and his mind is distracted in another place .. and many more ..).
While they were listing a number of accusations against each side they suffered from, and while they had reached what we can call the inability to reach the threshold of a solution.. Then they decided to sell the store and get rid of its endless consequences and fees.
I intervened as a joke, saying: (Two decades ago, while I was in a media training course.. The lecturer – European nationality – mentioned a story as a matter of humor and humanity: that a European doctor went out as usual to his work, and saw a limping dog not far from his house, so he had to take the dog and accompany him with him In his car to treat him in his home clinic, give him a dose of medicine with food, and leave him in the garden of the house.. The dog stayed with him for ten days until he recovered.. After that, the doctor took him and brought him down to the same place from which he had taken him the first time..
Almost a month later, the doctor was surprised by barking, shouting, and knocking on the door of his house.. When he went out, he found the dog had returned barking at his door.. But the biggest surprise was that the dog took with him another dog who had broken one of his legs.
While everyone laughed, we were surprised by this true story that was reported by the lecturer, who confirmed its truth and that it is not just for fun.. One of the owners of the shop replied to me, saying: (If I need someone who is characterized by the loyalty of a dog, the son of a purebred dog, to solve my crisis).

Obelisk – follow-up – agencies

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