Dogs fighting off lions, footage from Gujarat goes viral

by time news

Sushantha Nanda shares many fascinating videos related to wildlife.

symbolic image | Photo: ANI

SimDogs that scare the hell out of you. A video like this is now going viral on social media. The video footage was shared by IFS officer Sushantha Nanda. The 24-second video is from Gujarat. The video shows a lion roaming freely through a village.

Suddenly you see a bunch of dogs barking behind you. Fearing the dogs, the lion rushes to the nearby herd of cattle. Within hours of sharing, the video was viewed by many people. The comments go like keeping a distance from a lion is good and unity is great strength.

Sushantha Nanda shares many fascinating videos related to wildlife. Lions have a lifespan of eight to ten years. The actual weight of male lions ranges from 170 to 230 kg.

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