Doing sport: this is how you overcome yourself – even in winter

by time news

EIt’s wet, cold, and the sun has set before the end of the day. Who is interested in sports? Motivating yourself to exercise can be difficult in winter. Keyword inner weaker self.

“Humans do not simply accept unpleasant things,” explains Oliver Stoll, Professor of Sports Psychology at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. Because of course you prefer to exercise in good weather. With these tips you will get yourself up and running in winter – and do healthy sports.

Set goals and talk about them

A good way is to set goals. This can be sporty like “I take part in a marathon in spring” or personal like “I want to lose three kilos over the winter”. The more specific the goals are, the better. Anyone who speaks about it with friends and family is obliged to meet their own expectations.

“The focus should be so strong that the weather doesn’t matter,” explains Stoll. It can also help to visualize your goals, for example on small pieces of paper.

Create routines

Routines are another motivation trick. This can be a fixed appointment in the calendar for the gym or a running group that you meet regularly for sports.

“Training together is better in winter: You are not alone, and it does not matter when it is pitch dark,” says personal trainer Lars Neumann from Dortmund.

Provide internal and external motivation

Small goodies can also help to get up from the cozy couch. For example a sauna after a run. In this case one speaks of extrinsic motivation.

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But it is better if you see the activity itself as a reward. “The intrinsic motivation is the strongest we know,” says Stoll. The problem: there are no recipes for it. Only those who have fun and see a purpose in movement are really motivated from within.

Look at the benefits

Sport not only keeps the body fit and healthy – it also lifts your spirits. Extreme athlete Peter Krobath says that this is particularly important in the darker months of the year, when some are depressed and listless.

Regular exercise also strengthens the body’s defenses in the cold season. And the cool air clears your head in case of doubt.

Do not exaggerate

Anyone who is full of action in winter should still not be careless. Because of the temperature differences inside and outside, the risk of colds is increased.

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Dress properly

If you want to do sports outside in winter, you need the right equipment. “Windbreakers are practical, along with functional clothing and a neck warmer that you can pull over your chin and nose,” recommends Lars Neumann. Small spikes on the shoes can prevent them from slipping. And to be visible in the dark, a headlamp and light-colored, reflective clothing are recommended.

By the way, if you buy good equipment, you can make a direct commitment to use it.

Choosing the right workout

“Casual running training is a good idea,” says Neumann, the personal trainer. The units should, however, be slower than in summer. Interval training is rather unsuitable, says Peter Krobath. Exercises with your own body weight are also possible.

“A key factor is that you don’t need a lot of material,” says Neumann. Because then it is easier to overcome yourself.

If in doubt, exercise indoors

If you don’t feel like exercising outdoors when it’s drizzling or cold, you can go to the gym. Or use the winter to try out a few new sports in the hall, for example kickboxing or squash.

If you don’t want to leave your own four walls, exercises on an exercise mat are recommended. But you always need a little self-motivation to stay fit in winter.

This article was first published in 2019.


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