Dollar Price Today in the Dominican Republic: Latest Rates and Exchange Information

by time news

2024-07-08 12:00:00

It is the price of the dollar today in the Dominican Republic, according to the Central Bank $58.92 (▼ 1.8%) for the purchase and $59.17 (▼ 1.7%) for sale. In this note, you will be able to find out how much the dollar is today, how much the dollar is at different exchange agents, the dollar rate in Banreservas and Banco Popular and much more useful information about the exchange market in the country.

Dollar rate today Central Bank

USD Date | Buy USD | SaleJuly 5, 202458.9219
59. 1773

Calculate dollar to Dominican peso

When is it 1 dollar in the DR?

US$ 1.00 = $58.92

How much does $100 make in the Dominican Republic?

US$ 100.00 today is equivalent to $5892.05

How much does $50 make in the Dominican Republic?

US$ 50.00 today is equivalent to $2,941.00

How much is $20 from the Dominican Republic in dollars?

RD20 today is equivalent to $0.34 American dollars.

How much is $50 from Dominican Republic dollars?

RD$50 today is equivalent to $0.86 American dollars.

The Western Union dollar TODAY in the Dominican Republic

The USD to DOP exchange rate with Western Union for today is quoted at $58.97 pesos per dollar. So, by sending US$100 dollars, the recipient gets 5897.68 Dominican pesos. Consult the Western Union dollar exchange calculator here.

Dollar rate in Banreservas

Reserve Bank of the Dominican Republic (Reserve lane) the price of the dollar will be quoted in the DR i $58.00 to buy and $59.50 for sale.

Consult the calculator Banreservas currency here.

How to buy currencies in Banreservas?

To buy dollars at Banreservas you can go in person to exchange your currencies at more than 300 branches across the country. Similarly, in the Bank’s Personal Business Units located at airports, in the Dominican Postal Institute (IMPOSDOM) and in the country’s main hotels.

It is worth remembering that sums greater than US$10,000.00 must be protected, and/or the compliance form for that purpose must be filled in the office. Meanwhile, to sell currency for the purpose of sending transfers or issuing checks, it must be Banreservas client.

he Dominican Common Bank the dollar price will be quoted i $57.65 to buy and $59.60 for sale.

To buy foreign currency at Banco Popular you can go to any of them for agencies in all the country.

Dollar rate today at Scotiabank

Scotiabank in the Dominican Republic will quote the price of the dollar i $57.70 to buy and $59.60 for sale.

How is the dollar in other exchange agents

Entity PurchaseSale ChangeCibao Association$58.05$59.10= 0.00 %National$57.50$59.10= 0.00%Banco Santa Cruz$58.05$59.05= 0.00 %
Banco Caribe $57.75$59.05= 0.00 %Promerica Bank $57.55$59.05= 0.00%Peravia Savings and Loan Association$57.35$59.00= 0.00 %

How is the dollar in Punta Cana, Higuey and La Altagracia

Check the dollar rate at the main exchange agents operating in Punta Cana, Higuey and the rest of La Altagracia province.

Entity PurchaseSaleChangeReserve track $57.40$58.90= 0.00%
Scotiabank (online exchange)$57.05$58.95= 0.00%
Scotiabank (agencies) $56.95 $59.05 = 0.00%
Promerica Bank$57.55$59.05= 0.00 %
Banco Caribe $57.75$59.05= 0.00 %
Banco Santa Cruz$58.05$59.05= 0.00 %
Common Banco$57.10$59.05= 0.00 %

How is the dollar in Santiago

Check the dollar rate at regional exchange agents in Santiago de los Caballeros

EntityPurchaseSale ChangeTaveras exchange agent$58.60$58.95= 0.00%Panora Exchange$58.55$58.95= 0.00 %

How is the dollar in La Romana?

Check the dollar rate at the main exchange agents operating in La Romana.

Entity PurchaseSaleChangeReserve track $57.40$58.90= 0.00%
Scotiabank (online exchange)$57.05$58.95= 0.00%
Scotiabank (agencies) $56.95 $59.05 = 0.00%
Promerica Bank$57.55$59.05= 0.00 %
Banco Santa Cruz$58.05$59.05= 0.00 %
Common Banco$57.10$59.05= 0.00 %

What is the price of the dollar in the Dominican Republic, according to Bloomberg?

According to the portal Bloomberg onlinethe dollar in The Dominican Republic located at 59.0620 Dominican Pesos.

How to send dollars from the United States to the Dominican Republic?

If you want to send dollars from the United States to the Dominican Republic, we leave you a list of options below so that you can send your remittances:

  • Warning
  • World66
  • Western Union
  • Under care
  • MoneyGram
  • zero.

How is the flow of payments to the Dominican Republic?

In the first quarter of 2024, remittances received reached US$2,635.6 million, increasing by 6.2% compared to the same period of the previous year.

This is based in a report from the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic (BCRD), which highlights that, as of 2023, payment flows maintain their growth in interannual terms. The institute confirms that US$925.5 million was received especially in March, in remittances, which exceeded the same month of 2023 by 1.1%.

he BCD explains that the economic performance of the United States was one of the main factors influencing the behavior of remittances, since the 86.4% of formal flows of March, part US$727.8 million.

How will the Dominican peso fare in 2024?

The Macroeconomic Outlook report, prepared by teams from the Ministries of Economy, Finance and the Central Bank, predicts that final and average inflation for 2024 will be equal to 4%. In addition, nominal growth of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is estimated at 8.94%.

According to the same document, real GDP expansion for this year is expected to range between 4.5% and 5%, with a central forecast of 4.75%.

#price #dollar #TODAY #Western #Union #Banreservas #Popular #agencies

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