Domestic violence: Borne wants a parliamentary mission to improve the judicial response

by time news

She wants to go further. A parliamentary mission will soon be responsible for making proposals to improve the judicial treatment of domestic violence, announced Friday the Prime Minister on the occasion of the three years of the “Grenelle” against this scourge which mainly affects women.

“I am going to entrust a mission to parliamentarians to take stock and see how we can move forward for more readable, more responsive and more efficient legal action”, specified Élisabeth Borne, during a trip to Essonne. where she notably visited, in Ris-Orangis, an association which helps women who are victims of violence.

This mission will be launched at the end of September and will last six months, said Matignon. Parliamentarians will have to think about a justice that “reconciles the specialization of investigators and magistrates with the necessary proximity for the victims”, specified the services of Elisabeth Borne in a press release.

Three years after the launch of the “Grenelle” against domestic violence, 46 of the 54 measures decided on this occasion are in force, welcomed Elisabeth Borne. “These are advances, but as long as there is violence, as long as there are women who die under the blows of their companions, the fight will not stop. We are therefore going to step up our action, ”she assured during a press briefing.

Increase the number of social workers in police stations

Among the new measures, the Prime Minister announced new emergency accommodation places for women fleeing their violent spouse: by the end of the year, 10,000 places will be available in all, against a little more of 9,000 today. And the total will rise to 11,000 next year. The government also intends to increase the number of “social workers” stationed in police stations and gendarmeries to improve the reception of female victims: there will be 600 by 2025, compared to 417 today.

Accompanied by four of her ministers – Éric Dupond-Moretti (Justice), Isabelle Rome (gender equality), Olivier Klein (City) and Sonia Backès (citizenship) -, the head of government met two women victims of violence, very moved to testify to their “very difficult” journey and their relief at having been able to “talk” and be helped.

One of them said that she had not filed a complaint for “fear that the situation would get worse”, and the other, a victim of psychological violence, explained that she was “terrified” at the idea of ​​committing a “misstep” as she tried to gather evidence against her spouse.

The number of femicides increased by 20% in France in 2021 compared to the previous year, with 122 women killed under the blows of their spouse or ex-spouse, against 102 in 2020, according to a report published at the end of August by the ministry. inside.

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