Donald Trump announces his 2024 presidential candidacy

by time news

Donald Trump embarked on Tuesday, November 15, in the race for the White House, launching a campaign that promises to be merciless in his Republican camp, bruised and divided by the disappointment of the recent elections.

The former president filed with US election authorities his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election, an official first step, before delivering a speech in the grand reception hall of his luxury Mar-a-Lago residence in Palm. Beach, Florida. “I announce my candidacy for the presidential election”he declared in front of an audience of dedicated activists.

During his speech, Donald Trump assured that America was ” back “. The businessman returned in idyllic terms to his first term, describing a country at peace, prosperous and respected on the international scene, and pledged that Joe Biden “don’t spend four more years” to the White House. “Joe Biden embodies the failures of the left and Washington’s corruption”accused the former president.

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This new candidacy is the third of the septuagenarian to the White House. Coming to power in November 2016 by creating the greatest modern political surprise, Donald Trump had flouted all customs during his presidency. In 2021, he left Washington in chaos after failing to seek re-election against Joe Biden – a defeat he never acknowledged.

It also foreshadows a possible remake of the 2020 presidential election: President Biden recently reaffirmed his « intention » to run for a second term, although he has been careful to postpone any final decision until next year.

Mixed performance of the Republican camp in the midterms

Rumors have been rife in recent weeks about an imminent announcement by Donald Trump, the ex-president then determined to ride on the anticipated success of the Republicans in the November 8 elections to regain power.

But the “giant wave” predicted with great confidence by the conservatives has not materialized, far from it: the Democratic Party of President Biden made sure this weekend to keep control of the Senate, and it could even widen its majority, thwarting pollster predictions. The Republicans will most likely take over the House of Representatives from the Democrats, but with a significantly smaller majority than expected.

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This more than mixed performance of the Grand Old Party (GOP), in particular from candidates dubbed by Donald Trump, has tarnished the reputation of the kingmaker of the tribune. Several influential voices in the conservative camp have also called on the real estate magnate to step aside from the Republican leadership, casting a shadow over his presidential projects.

DeSantis, new star of the hard right

Part of the conservative electorate has already turned to another possible contender for the White House and resident of Florida: its governor, Ron DeSantis. The 40-year-old, new star of the hard right, who is coming out, reinforced by the mid-term elections, assured that his fight “just getting started”. And he did not fail to denounce, on Tuesday, the “extremely disappointing performance” of the rest of his camp in this election, taking care however not to name Donald Trump directly.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Midterms 2022: Ron DeSantis, Trump’s only credible competitor among the Republicans for 2024, re-elected in Florida

With Donald Trump’s former vice-president, Mike Pence, his ex-head of diplomacy, Mike Pompeo, the governor of Virginia, Glenn Youngkin… the battle for the Republican nomination promises to be bitter.

But the former president retains for the moment an undeniable popularity with his base, a tide of red caps which continues to flow to his campaign meetings. A majority of polls still give him the winner of a Republican primary.

However, an obstacle stands between Donald Trump and the White House: the many legal troubles of the businessman could indeed end up disqualifying him.

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The World with AFP

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