Donate | ila

by time news

2023-11-17 03:11:55

Our account is increasingly in the red. If things continue like this, next year we will no longer be able to pay the printing costs or the two extremely modest salaries of our part-time employees Britt and Mirjana.

No more stories from the solidarity movement after 47 years? No more focus on reggaetón, no election analyzes that go deeper than “Milei is the new Trump”. Sounds terrible? We think so too. The good thing: We can prevent this!

We have been producing critical, movement-related journalism from and about Latin America for 47 years. Solidarity, with attitude and independent of funding. And so should it stay. And as you can see, our website urgently needs a glow-up. But that costs. Lots.

That’s why we’ve set ourselves a big goal: 200 new subscriptions to sustainably finance our work. And 20,000 euros directly on the claw for our website. Totally crazy? Perhaps. But the only realistic thing. The whole thing until the carnival edition in February 2024.

At a glance: How can you save the ila?

1. Subscriptions, subscriptions, subscriptions! Our subscriptions cost as much as eating out twice and much less than a trip to Latin America. If your finances still allow it: Subscribe to us! Upgrade to a promotional subscription! Give away a subscription!

2. Donations, donations, donations! Click here for ours Startnext Campaign – It’s worth stopping by, there are great rewards waiting!

3. Talk, talk, talk! Tell us about ila, come to our events and share our social media channels and our crowdfunding campaign.

#Donate #ila

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