Donatella Rettore, her «Lamette» with La Sad at Sanremo 2024 on the cover evening

by time news

diMarianna Peluso

The Venetian singer is expected on the Ariston stage to duet the 1982 success with the Milanese band: her debut as a very young girl, her success, her last performance at the Festival

Donatella Rettore is ready to go on stage, expected tonight, Friday 9 February, on the Ariston stage with the group La Sad, to duet on the notes of the song “Lamette”, her great success from 1982.

The last performance at the Ariston

Her last time on stage at the Sanremo Festival dates back to 2022, when she participated in the singing event with the song “Chimica” alongside Ditonellapiaga, while last year she chose to take a break, announcing that she would probably return the following year as a guest. No sooner said than done. Her name stands out in the evening dedicated to the Sanremo 2024 covers, with that rhythmic and playful “give me a razor blade and I’ll cut my wrists” attack, which has become a milestone in the evolution of rock.

The lineup for the fourth evening of Sanremo 2024

The beginnings

After all, Donatella Rettore’s entire life is an artistic parable in continuous progression. Born in Castelfranco Veneto, in the province of Treviso, on 8 July 1953, music has always been her greatest passion, so much so that she founded her first band “Cobra” at the age of 10. Immediately after graduating, she moved to Rome to pursue her dream, that of singing. In ’73 she, very young, was the support of Lucio Dalla’s summer tour who became her incomparable master. In the same period she met Claudio Rego, musician in the experimental group L’era dell’Acquario, with whom she began a long artistic and sentimental partnership, until she decided to marry him in 2005, after thirty years of engagement.

The successes

He took part in Sanremo for the first time in 1974, at the age of 19, with “Capelli loose” and then returned in 1977 with “Carmela” and three other times during his career, which took off in the Seventies and reached its peak. peak splendor in the Eighties, with hits of the caliber of “Kobra” and “Splendido Splendente”. Precisely in ’81 she won the Festivalbar with “Donatella”, a song that is part of “Estasi Clamorosa”, a gold album in terms of sales which contains “Remember”, written especially for her by Elton John. The success continues, from 45s to the radio, touching theater and TV, where he tries his hand at roles, programs and reality shows, including “La Fattoria” in 2004, “Tale e Quale Show” in 2017, “Now or Never” in 2019.

The return to Veneto

«I don’t know the quiet life. And in any case I avoid it like the plague” he confessed during an interview with Corriere del Veneto, also adding: “I adore Amadeus. His Sanremo is like Masterchef: he makes very varied Sanremos, puts in the newest, avant-garde things, but also Paola and Chiara, Grignani, Anna Oxa. Names that have their own following and please the public. When I saw the selection I said: “But who are these Comacose, this Rkomi, I’ve never heard of them. Then I discovered that Comacose had done a version of “Lamette” and Rkomi is a convinced “Rectorian”. Today the ferment is all in his head, during the creative phase, because he prefers the quiet of his native land. «I returned to Castelfranco 17 years ago – he admitted -. In Paris I met a manager, Claude Carrère, who told me something that I have never forgotten: the worst thing to do is abandon your roots. And I have never forgotten them. Now I live at my parents’ house, a hundred meters from the Academy, just outside the walls, between the post office and the stadium. Guidolin lives near me. It’s a dimension in which I feel comfortable.”

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February 9, 2024 (modified February 9, 2024 | 7:18 pm)


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