Donation presentation in the CCU: Campaign 100,000 sets a donation record: 1,062,564 euros!

by time news

Finally a donation result presentation with an audience. And on top of that one with a new record: 1,062,564 euros! Around 1,500 people, including representatives from local, state and federal politics, the regional economy and charitable projects, were there on Sunday when the good news of the campaign 100,000 and Ulmer helft was announced in the jam-packed CCU before the concert of the Ulm Army Music Corps .

The words of welcome from the patrons of the 100,000 and Ulmer helft campaign, Mayor Gunter Czisch and SÜDWEST PRESSE editor-in-chief Ulrich Becker, shared a big thank you to the donors. Czisch spoke of a “pleasant feeling of solidarity” in the citizenry, Becker concluded his recognition with the remark: “Without them, none of this would be anything.”

Extra shift for local Ukraine help

In the 52nd donation season that has now ended, the 100,000 campaign was as present as it was before Corona. Her calendar had more than 40 events up her sleeve. “People were able to enjoy culture live again and do good at the same time,” said Karl Bacherle shortly before the start of the event. “We had to start our help earlier because we wanted to support local projects for refugees from the Ukraine,” reported the campaign manager. For example, shopping vouchers, aid packages and used bicycles were organized for the newcomers.

Spontaneous applause for the schools’ charity runs

In general, the willingness to donate – whether from private individuals, companies, organizations or associations – was great, summarized Bacherle. The Albert Einstein School Center and the Anna Essinger Secondary School, which raised more than 30,000 euros for local Ukraine aid through donation runs, deserve an extra thank you. When Bacherle mentioned this major donation during the presentation of the results, there was thunderous applause in the CCU.

Even restaurateurs who had a hard time because of the pandemic were back on board. They donated the income from a Ukraine aid evening to the 100,000 and Ulmer helft campaign: more than 20,000 euros.

Touching: pensioner donates energy price flat rate

A particularly lavish sum of money came from Evobus before Christmas: the workforce and management made the largest company donation of the season, 83,000 euros. Also exemplary is Milchwerke Schwaben, which invested 33,500 euros in the 100,000 campaign with its seventh “Winterbutter” campaign. Also because companies like Wieland and many others donated, 2000 checks could be sent to the needy before Christmas. Bacherle was particularly touched by the donation of a pensioner: she passed on her energy price lump sum to the needy.

Charity auction is to go back to the Kornhaus in 2023

For the new, 53rd round of donations, he has news ready that will make fans of the charity auction happy: The auction is moving back from the Internet to its “home” Kornhaus.

Every cent helps

100 percent effectiveness The 100,000 and Ulmer helft campaign does not produce any administrative costs because the team is released from their other duties by the employers SÜDWEST PRESSE and the city of Ulm for charity work. In 52 years, the 100,000 campaign has brought in the equivalent of 20,609,199 million euros.

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