“Don’t be deceived by coalition’s fresh tactic,” warns Ben Caspit

by time news

The Rothmans have proposed a new plan to have only two judges appointed now and discuss the rest after the holidays. However, falling for this spin should not be an option. The country lacks a constitution, separation of religion and state, checks and balances, a democratic tradition, and an acceptable law. Therefore, it should not have even one political appointment to the Supreme Court. The coup d’état unfolding now includes several laws aiming to loot and conquer all institutions and gatekeepers standing between the small group of rioters and democracy. The proposed laws include fortifications, donations/gifts, Deri, France, Jews, and immunity for heads of authorities. The appointment of an ombudsman and state attorney without a threshold condition and a report to the Minister of Justice is also included. One anonymous MK came up with a proposal to appoint the Central Election Commission chairman by the royal family, implying the elimination of the judiciary. Thus, it is crucial to have an independent judiciary appointed through a professional, transparent, orderly, and balanced appointment procedure. The judges’ independence is the lifeblood of democracy, and the seniority system should not be touched.

So the new trick, which replaces the previous shtick, is “give us only two judges now”, and we’ll talk about everything else after the holidays. The only possible answer to the Rothmans should be: forget it. Because you must not fall for this spin.

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It is impossible to accept the fact that a country without a constitution, in which there is no separation of religion and state, in which there is no check or balance, which has only one house of parliament and it is a trampled escapade of the government, which has no commitment to international rights conventions and has no federal government and has no democratic tradition or ” Acceptable law’ and there is only one family that corrupts an entire country – it must not have even one political appointment to the Supreme Court.

The coup d’état that is now unfolding before our eyes is not limited to the accepted laws of the dictatorship: Deri’s law, the takeover of the committee for the appointment of judges, the abolition of the reason of reasonableness, the abolition of breach of trust, the supersedence clause, etc. It is about a whole complex of overcoming: an accelerated campaign of disorderly looting in all the institutions, in all the gatekeepers, in everyone who stands between a small group of rioters and democracy.

Here is a partial list of laws that are in one or another stage of legislation/trailing: the law of fortifications, the law of donations/gifts, the law of Deri, the law of France, the law of the Jews (Islam), the law of immunity for heads of authorities, an effort to take over the Central Bureau of Statistics, the gauntlet A report to the Minister of Justice, the law prohibiting recordings, the removal of restrictions on the appointment of directors, the appointment of an ombudsman and state attorney without any orderly procedure or threshold conditions, etc., etc.

We received the classic example of what is yet to come here yesterday, when a bill that has been lurking for the past few months suddenly appeared by the anonymous MK Eliyahu Ravivo: Why should the chairman of the Central Election Commission be a supreme judge? Let’s make him also appointed by the royal family. If the judiciary is already eliminated, then until the end.

This crazy proposal was soon met with supporters of honesty, who poured an ideology into it: after all, one of the most famous is the former President of the Supreme Court, Judge Hanan Meltzer, a “stealer” of the Likud’s mandate in any election. So we will stop this losing practice with the supreme judges and appoint a chairman of the election committee “in our head”.

The storm that arose immediately provoked someone to order that Revivo to shelve, at this stage, his bill. So Revivo Ganz. Pay attention to the constant pattern: it is always some unknown MK, whom no one has heard of before, who comes up with the craziest and most brazen proposals: Amit Halevi humiliates himself and smears himself with a mark of disgrace on his forehead with the corrupt proposal to combine the hundreds of thousands of dollars that Ben David gave to Bibi Netanyahu . Ravivo brings the election committee. Bismuth foils the recordings. Such a large group of flatterers, murdered slaves, dragged carts at the feet of one family. Heartbreaking.

In conclusion: Judges in Israel cannot be political appointees. They should be a professional, transparent, orderly and balanced appointment procedure. The current arrangement is accurate. The last ten judges appointed to the Supreme Court reflect all world views. The first female Moroccan judge was appointed by the government of change. It is possible to make changes in the committee for the appointment of judges, it is possible to strengthen the coalition in something, it is impossible to give it a majority and it is impossible to give it exclusivity on appointments.

And most importantly: she must not be given control over the appointment of the supreme president and must not touch the seniority system, which leaves the judges independent of the political rank. Because this is the name of the game: when there are only two authorities (like here), the independence of the judiciary is the lifeblood of democracy. She is our soul bird. On her we will agree to be killed, and not pass. Thanks.

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