Don’t fall! Fraudulent page is selling fake tickets for the Carnival of Barranquilla

by time news

The information was provided by the Tu Boleta portal after having detected a fraudulent page that is selling tickets for the Carnival of Barranquilla.

“Tuboleta is allowed to report that unscrupulous people are impersonating the brand through the fake portal, which offers ticket office for the Carnival of Barranquilla”.

The official page of this company is And for this reason, they recommend to those who seek to buy their tickets for events such as La Guacherna, Plaza de la Paz, Noche del Río, the Coronation of the Carnival Kings and for the boxes and mini-boxes of the Battle of Flowers, to do so only through this page. official.

“Tuboleta rejects this type of actions that seek to deceive citizens and confirms that the only channels for purchases and tickets for Carnival and other events are its website, the call center line (60-1) 593-6300 and the physical points of sale mentioned on the web”.

In addition, they recalled that the only payment methods authorized by Tuboleta are Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Diners Club International and PSE, “so any other payment method other than these is invalid.”

The statement, finally, reiterates to citizens that they make use of official channels and that they report these cases to the corresponding authorities.

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About the Carnival of Barranquilla

The Carnival of Barranquilla is one of the most important folkloric and cultural festivals in Colombia. It is an outstanding cultural expression of the Intangible Heritage of Humanity.

The Ministry of Culture explains that this celebration, “in which emblematic expressions of the memory and identity of the people of Barranquilla, the Colombian Caribbean and the Río Grande de La Magdalena come together, was proclaimed in 2003 as a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.

In 2008 the category as Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity changed to UNESCO’s Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Since then, the Carnival of Barranquilla has been part of that exclusive List that recognizes it worldwide as a World Heritage Site”.

One of his most representative phrases, to invite people to the party is “who lives it, is who enjoys it!”. This year it will take place from February 18 to 21, although some activities are already scheduled.

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