Don’t leave our most vulnerable behind!

by time news
October 9, 2022, 7:30 a.m. in News

BAVARIA. UNDERMAIN (mg). The energy price explosion hits everyone – even the weakest in our society: people who have to make do with little or no income, people with psychological problems or the homeless whose fate hardly anyone can imagine. For such cases there are social centers or associations that help people. But even they are not spared from the energy crisis, because most social organizations depend on donations – but if the “donors” themselves have to struggle with the costs, there is not much left for kind-hearted deeds…



KW40 social stations signpost 2
KW40 social stations signpost 1

The guide was created from the largest social association in Aschaffenburg, “Grenzenlos”, in Damm in early 2006. “We have seen that there is a focal point for the homeless and the needy here,” recalls Renate Elter from the board. The guide is funded by the city, among other things, so the rent is covered. At the same time, they receive support from local markets and companies. “People with mental problems often come here so they don’t want to be alone.” Breakfast here is 60 cents, lunch is 1 euro. “Between eight and ten homeless people come every day – they don’t have to pay anything,” says Detlef Beissler. According to the volunteer, the willingness to donate has decreased recently: “We used to have the buffet filled with sausage and cheese, but that’s no longer the case.”

Sparkasse Aschaffenburg

IBAN: DE82 7955 0000 0005 7456 90


The station mission on platform 2

KW40 social stations railway station mission 2
KW40 social stations station mission 1

The station mission is located on platform two of the Aschaffenburg train station. The facility has been helping people in need for over a hundred years. “We have to finance ourselves from voluntary subsidies from the municipalities and mostly from donations of all kinds,” explains director Sandra Bauer-Böhm. Their greatest need is actually the lack of helpers. “We need more time donations. Volunteering has an immensely important function for us – many people who come to us have fallen out of the social system and are difficult to integrate again – volunteering brings a lot of time and a certain openness towards people of the station mission, come for a variety of reasons – there are up to 100 a day. “A lot of people who are homeless are currently coming – especially young people. This problem has increased since Corona.” Like everyone else, Bauer-Böhm has concerns when it comes to winter and energy costs – but she is certain of one thing: “The station mission will remain open.”

Sparkasse Aschaffenburg

IBAN: DE 71 7955 0000 0000 0085 32


The bridge

KW40 social stations Bruecke 2

The bridge courtyard in the Nilkheimer Bahnhofstrasse

The social association “Die Brücke” was founded in 1983 to support the interests of prisoners. Today it is much more than that: from violence prevention, to the placement office for non-profit work, the Brückehof, Junges Wohnen, Holzbrücke and finally the advice center for male prisoners released from prison – the Brücke gets involved around Aschaffenburg, wherever it can. Perpetrators are often referred to the association by the public prosecutor’s office in order to do community service. “With the very young we have 25 to 30 a year. All in all, we have a huge number of assignments for charitable work, which we then pass on to other social institutions. Manfred Sommer is the first chairman and has been with the association since it was founded. “We are a service provider for the city, so we are also supported by it accordingly.” The funds are often given to the individual spades of the association. The donation rate has hardly changed in recent years, despite the pandemic and energy crisis. “But that also has to do with the services that we provide.”

Sparkasse Aschaffenburg Alzenau

IBAN: DE56795500000000745711



cafe work

KW40 welfare stations Cafe work

Ina Staben-Gast and Sven Rosenberger from Café Arbeit

The association Café Arbeit has been running various social projects for years – and without a large sponsor. The projects include social counselling, job application support, the café and a second-hand shop – although these are open to everyone, those in need can apply for a discount card to receive discounts in the shop and café. The “Café” is mainly financed by donations. “There are private individuals, membership fees and companies around Alzenau,” says Ina Staben-Gast, social worker at Café Arbeit, about the donors. The association’s main fundraiser is in the winter around Christmas. “We’re afraid that the donations will decrease, because otherwise we won’t be able to offer our projects as we are now.” People come from around Alzenau, but the social worker also sees a trend here: “More and more young people have mental stress, the then no longer be able to do their job.”

Sparkasse Aschaffenburg-Alzenau


IBAN: DE97 7955 0000 0011 8466 23


Café fifty

KW40 social stations Cafefifty

“We are actually the only point of contact for those in need of help in the district of Miltenberg,” says Benjamin Riedel from the social counseling service at Café fifty. With the social café, the lunch table, the social counseling service and the advisory service, people can find help of all kinds here from Monday to Friday. “Every situation is different, we have people from all age groups with different problems here – sometimes you just need an open ear.” The “Repair Café”, which takes place once a month, has become a real hit in recent years. The association is financed purely from donations. “Currently you don’t feel much of the energy crisis, but when the hammer falls in January – you have concerns.”

Sparkasse Miltenberg-Obernburg

IBAN DE94 7965 0000 0501 3079 53


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