door-to-door local election campaign in Mélangue 1!

by time news

After several preparatory meetings, the journey of the team led by Mayor Joseph Liboire Angono, also president of the Communal Commission for the 2023 Senatorial Elections in the commune of Biwong-Bané.

<< Nous avons reparti notre campagne de proximité porte à porte en quatre étapes, le temps de faire la ronde de notre commune et de couvrir en totalité nos grands électeurs : conseillers municipaux et conseillers régionaux >> :

Joseph Liboire Angono was accompanied in this task by the President of the Rdpc Mvila North-West section Bertrand Magloire Mendouga and the Rdpc Project Manager Many Fiston which in their introductory words explained to the 10 great voters present the challenges of these Senatorial 2023 whose vote consisted of: << Décider de la configuration de la chambre haute >>.

The party score CPDM in sector no. 2, which had 7 hamlets starting point of the electoral campaign for the Senatorial 2023 in the municipality of Biwong-Bane spoke for itself for a total of 23 projects completed in 2 ½ years by the municipal executive.

Indeed, since 25 ansthe Municipality of Biwong-Bane no longer had rolling stock but today it is a figurehead among the 29 communes of the southern region and was driving in his new Pick-up 4×4 brand new.

A sure win for the CPDM on the evening of 12 mars next except surprise because the only political party in the running in the South Region and whose campaign slogan contained in the profession of faith candidates called for << un Sénat encore plus fort, en vue d’une décentralisation parachevée, gage d’une démocratie locale toujours plus dynamique et catalyseur du développement socio-économique des communes et des régions >>.

Indeed, for the third time in its political history, the CPDM ces Senatorial 2023 presented candidates throughout the national territory. Elections that the great voters of the Sub-Section Rdpc “The Renaissance” of Mélangue 1 were waiting with firm feet. Hence the mobilization observed today.

19 candidates in total had left to run for a new or a second term these Senatorial 2023 in the South Region of which 8 women. This Saturday, March 4, 2023, it was therefore a question of explaining at the base and above all that great voters the electoral process of list ballot and examine the practicalities of running the campaign.

Sunday, March 5, 2023 the second stop was planned in sector n°1 for the same exercise and the machine CPDM communal election campaign in Biwong-Bane was in motion. A real show of force, and a breakthrough for the small Decentralized Territorial Collectivity who thus rose up as a catalyst of hope and development.

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